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    Passengers save aircraft

    On American Airlines Flight 1238 10/8/01 with 162 persons on board a passenger rushed the cockpit of the plane. F-16's were scrambled to force the plane down if it deviated from its flight path. However, one of the pilots and several passengers threw a blanket over the intruder's head and got...
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    Project Safe Skies

    These folks mean to see the day when good Americans are no longer prevented by their government from protecting themselves and their country. -- Bentley "Project: Safe Skies Website URL: We are peace-loving individuals who believe that peaceable...
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    Citizens, to arms!

    This is a draft of the letter I plan to send to the President and my representatives. I would appreciate suggestions for editing and other recipients. Thanks, Bentley Dear **, Terror Tuesday shocked me to my bones. The failure of everything I thought was supposed to keep America safe struck...
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    CPR barf alert!

    Recertified in CPR today, they showed a video including a number of"safety tips". Mentioning smoke alarms, irons and stoves etc. They specifically said remove firearms from a child's environment along with a picture of a revolver with the crossed out red circle symbol over it. :barf: In the...
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    American Image Overseas

    In a previous thread: Balddog wrote: "American 'gun culture' is held up as the ultimate evil system in both Australia and here in the UK. The people have been brainwashed by the press into thinking that there can be nothing...
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    Blair, Euro and the UN

    With Blair's landslide it now appears obvious that Britain will bend over for Euro - Homogenization. One may expect that continent to become in essence a single country. Until the U.S. grows the guts to cut loose of the U.N. parasites, shouldn't we demand that the European Union be treated as...
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    News from New York

    I heard, second hand, of a New Yorker stating the following as obvious truths: 1) Bush is a murderer. After all, he failed to stop all those people from being executed in Texas. 2) Gore may lose because the racists in states like Nebraska and those states you never heard of that are full of...
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    Pro-gun actuaries, insurance?

    It has been pointed out to me that since statistics, most prominently those of Wright and Rossi, Kleck and Lott, support the fact that crime and therefore losses from crime are reduced when citizens are armed that insurance companies stand to profit from supporting the Second Amendment. Are any...
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    RMGO a little good news

    Haven't seen this before, hope it's new: _____________________________________________ ROCKY MOUNTAIN GUN OWNERS RMGO cleans gun grabbers clocks at GOP Convention; elect pro-gun delegates Though the media reported part of last Saturday's Republican...
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    Reasonable Gun Laws ...

    ... can there be such a thing? (Other than the 2nd A) If so, What? Why? Bentley
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    American Pravda

    I just heard a news report (network news, ABC I think)on a conservative radio station reporting the failure of the anti-missile test today. (yesterday?) What struck me is that after announcing the failure, a Russian spokesman was quoted denouncing the test and the Russian and Chinese position...
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    Remington discontinues detatchable mags?

    Heard a rumor that Remington will no longer make detatchable magazine rifles. Saw that current production 700 PSS .308 20" bbl have non detatchable magazines now. Is it true that they just don't make 'em any more? Anyone know why? (Function? Politics? ??) Any opinions on whether DM's were...