Search results

  1. C

    Is .410 bore right for me?

    I've been wanting to get into trap and/or skeet shooting since the first time I shot clays last summer. I have a physical condition called "costochronditis". To put it simply, when I'm stressed, lift/pull something too heavy or shoot a lot, I get sharp pains in my chest that feel like a heart...
  2. C

    Age restriction when moving from WI to CA?

    Recently I discovered that here in Wisconsin you can privately buy a pistol when you're 18, as opposed to from a dealer at 21, when my uncle was showing me some shooting stuff he was going to be selling. I really want to get this handgun, but I have a problem. I'm 19 I can legally buy this...
  3. C

    Storing Hoppe's No. 9 Solvent

    I recently bought a 32 Oz. bottle of Hoppe's No. 9 and I need to put in something smaller for storing with my other cleaning supplies to bring with when I shoot and go hunting. I noticed that it's in a glass bottle and it's some pretty strong smelling stuff, so I wasn't sure if it could be store...
  4. C

    Choosing not to register a firearm

    This is somewhat new information for me, so please forgive my lack of knowledge on the subject. I did a search, but couldn't find any pertinent information. I am moving to California at the beginning of next year and I am planning on taking a few firearms which are all legal to have in...
  5. C

    First shotgun help

    First, I'd like to say that I did a search before posting, but couldn't find all the answers to my question. Sorry if they've been answered before and I missed them. I have been wanting to get into shooting sports for awhile, but haven't really had the opportunity until just recently. The...