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  1. D

    Question about .50 AE

    Since I've found out that "AE" in .50 AE stands for Action Express, one question has been eating away at me. Why? PS: Since we're on the subject of acronyms, what does FS in Beretta 92FS stand for?
  2. D

    Newbie question: patches

    Pardon my ignorance, but this has been bugging me for a quite a while now. I know patches are used for bore cleaning, but how? Where do you get them, and how do you use them? Thanks.
  3. D

    Revolver vs. Semiauto forums

    Which one is better? Edit: Stupid question deleted, replaced with an even more stupid question. Ignore this thread.
  4. D

    Theoretical handgun question.

    What's the least number of parts a semiautomatic DA/SA handgun with a manual safety can have? I know the Makarov can do it in 27, but is it possible to have less parts than that?
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    What's the difference between belt and paddle holsters?

    Both of them look like they would hang on the belt, but the paddle holster has a, well, paddle on it. Why is it there?
  6. D

    A new forum?

    I suppose this should be in the General Forum, but still. Why do we need to split up the handgun forum? It was doing so good as it was. Besides, if you can't post about semiauto and revolvers in the handgun forum anymore, what can you post about?
  7. D

    A new forum?

    I suppose this should be in the General Forum, but still. Why do we need to split up the handgun forum? It was doing so good as it was. Besides, if you can't post about semiauto and revolvers in the handgun forum anymore, what can you post about?
  8. D

    Utah shooting ranges?

    I'm just wondering if any of you Utah guys could recommend a range to a first-time shooter. Something with a nice gun selection for rent, reasonable prices, and not too far away from the SLC area. Do you have any recommendations for me? Training courses? How much money should I expect to...
  9. D

    Newbie seeking answers

    Hi, long time reader, first time poster. First, let me get in a word about myself. I'm 16, live in Salt Lake City, UT, and go to Westminster College as a freshman. Neither of my parents owns, or even likes guns, but luckily they've been very supportive. I've never as much as held a real gun...