Search results

  1. J

    Should I switch to Conicals in .44 cap & balls?

    I'm looking into a new Lee mold since my old .457 ball mold has had it. I will probably go to .454 since the .457 have always loaded hard. I'm wondering if I should just make the switch to conicals. I'm checking out this: " more energy and far...
  2. J

    Need new Uberti Walker nipples for #10 caps

    I posted this in THR too, but it's down for a day or two and I'd like to order nipples asap. I have a new Uberti Walker and VTI says that the nipples are the same part number as the Dragoons. Problem is, #10 Remington caps fall right off the Walker and hold tight on my Uberti Dragoon. I even...
  3. J

    Looking for empty BP cans.

    I keep hunting around for empties, but I guess everyone throws them away! I need around 10 empty black powder cans to store my powder in. Swiss, Goex, etc...doesn't matter much, just as long as they're in good shape still. PM me and we can arrange payment. I have paypal or can send a MO.
  4. J

    Recommendation for 45acp die set??

    Hi, I'm setting up to reload .45acp on my Dillon RL550b. I'm not sure which brand or set of dies to go with. The Dillon dies are about $60, but there are other brands, such as lee, that are much cheaper! Are they as good, or good enough? I think I'd want carbide dies, to avoid the need for case...
  5. J

    Should I join NRA or GOA?

    I've been meaning to join the NRA for awhile and finally filled out the membership form, but should I join the NRA or Gun Owners of America? Which groups are you a member of and which group is doing better as far as activism and 2nd amendment rights? Any advise or info would help, I've heard...
  6. J

    New to 1911: a S&W or a Springfield?

    Hi, I'm about to buy my first auto, a 1911. I have only owned revolvers, but would like to have at least one auto! I was set on a Springfield Loaded 5", but today at the local shop I saw the current $100 rebate for S&W 1911's ! What would you suggest, the SA or a S&W. Which S&W would be...
  7. J

    More abuse of power

    Very disturbing video of violation of rights:
  8. J

    Gun Confiscation, who's accountable??

    Not sure if this is the best area to post this and I'm sure many have seen this video. It's shocking, disturbing, appauling, scary and true. New Orleans residents disarmed illegally, beaten, guns smashed on pavement. Why aren't the cops responsible held accountable for violation of rights...
  9. J

    Gun Owners for Ron Paul '08. Please help!!

    Please visit and see why you should be supporting Ron Paul!!!!! This is from his site: Dear Gun Owner, I hope, like me, you're a strong supporter of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. My name is Ron Paul, and I'm the only pro-gun, pro-Constitution candidate running for the...
  10. J

    Allaint "American Select" for .45lc?

    Has anyone here tried Alliant's "American Select" powder in .45lc? I've eonly ever used Unique and real BP ( Goex or homemade). Unique works well enough, I load 8.5g loads and they're fairly powerful and very accurate, but it's still very dirty. I'm interested in giving something else a try...
  11. J

    Bullet mold for .45lc

    Hi, can anyone reccomend a bullet mold for .45lc. I've been reloading with 250g Oregon Trail Laser cast RNFP. I'd like something similar, but will take any reccomendations. Thanks
  12. J

    Finally got the new Beretta Goldrush/lightning rifle!!!

    After a good month+ just deciding whether to get the Uberti, Taurus or Beretta, I got the Gold rush rifle, .45LC. Fit and finish are flawless, detail work is impressive. No jams, works great out of the box. This is made by Uberti, for Beretta. It has an improved loading mechanism and a...
  13. J

    Uberti, Beretta or Taurus ??( Colt Lightning Rifle )

    I'm set on getting a Colt Lighning Rifle clone. I have a few Uberti's ( BP and SAA ) and the quality is great, but the Uberti Lightning holds only 10 rounds, compared to 13 for Beretta and 14 for Taurus. The Beretta is made at the Uberti factory, but has a few different specs. Aprox costs...