Search results

  1. H

    Fed 215's hard to find?

    Are Federal 215 primers hard to find everywhere or just here. I have looked at every outlet here and they are not to be found. I looked at Cabela's store, Sheel's, Big Bear, and Shiptons and none have them. I started to order some from Cabela's catalog, the surcharge just makes me mad. Do you...
  2. H

    Should I still be doing this?

    I seldom have intiated threads on this forum, but now I would seek advice of fellow shooters over physicians. I'm 56 and was at one point temporarily quadriplegic. I was successfully treated, emergency disk reduction and cervical fusion. The marvelous old surgeon that worked a late overtime to...
  3. H

    Panther R30S

    Noticed one of these in the Midway Master catalog, chambered in 300 RSAUM, way cool cartridge to load for, better than the wsm's, due to the longer case neck. But my question is, how will this rebated rim cartridge feed from a magazine? I'm hoping that small base dies won't be necessary, and...
  4. H

    Article in the Billings Gazette

    There was an atrticle recently in the Outdoor Life section of the Billings Gazette. The article stated that the state of North Dakota will no longer allow donations of venison and elk meat to state agencies and Rescue missions because of lead contamination of game meat. The article stated that...