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  1. D

    Why does the world hate America?

    It is a question oft asked. Maybe because America funds, excuses and supports this. Those crazy rag-heads, why can't they love the west and all get along eh?
  2. D

    40th anniversary As a foreigner I'd be interested to hear your views on this. Can America hold itself up as the world's moral compass?
  3. D

    Bhutto Dead

    Believe me folks as a non-American I think a lot of American foreign policy sucks, but even a slightly western/american Benazir could have been a force for change in a good way, even with all her faults, if she had lived and achieved something. All sympathy to her family and the Pakistanis who...
  4. D

    It's not the kids you have to worry about What I find worrying is "Alan Foster, a spokesman for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, told the AFP news agency it was not uncommon for hunters to be shot by their dogs."