Search results

  1. S

    Can you use a short action for 257 Roberts A I?

    I am looking to put together a new rifle and would like to use a short action. I plan to chamber it in 257 Roberts Ackley Improved. Can it fit?
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    Gunsmith for Ruger #1

    I need to find a gunsmith who works on falling block actions. I am thinking of building up a Ruger #1 in 257 Roberts Ackley Improved. I would like to start with the stainless model with the laminated stocks. Blueprint the action and add a 22" fluted, match grade barrel. Install a good scope...
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    Fed sniper granted season

    Well, this ought to start open season on political dissenters. :eek: AP National FBI Agent Ruled Immune in Idaho SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- The FBI agent who killed the wife of white separatist Randy Weaver during the Ruby Ridge standoff is...
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    TFL server slow?

    Is the TFL server slow today or is it just me. Other sites seem OK for speed. :( Rick ------------------ I prefer armed combat to unarmed combat. It's easier on the knuckles.
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    The Census just called......

    I just got a nice call from a census lady. You see, I hadn't filled out my form and sent it in like a good sheeple. A census taker had stopped by one day and the wife taked to her. For every question asked, the answer my wife gave her was "2 adults and one child reside here." This nice lady...
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    Anybody tried a Kimber Ultra?

    Hey there... Has anyone tried a Kimber Ultra Carry or Ultra CDP? They look like a really nifty CC piece. ;) Problems? Comments? Thanks Rick ------------------ I prefer armed combat to unarmed combat. It's easier on the knuckles.
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    National Park Service-guns-snomobiles-people...

    With this latest move by the NPS to restrict snomobiles in the various parks, we have picked up a number of allies. The "Sledders" are livid!!! In my area there are a large number of them and they are pi$$ed! This whole attitude of the Feds putting more and more restrictions on...