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  1. B

    Opinions? Long, sorry.

    Ok, here's the deal. I have definitely decided I need a new toy. AND, after MUCH head scratching, reading, thinking, and changing my mind, I've definitely decided I can't make up my mind..........I'm pretty sure. Well maybe. I currently have a Bushmaster AR-15 A2 shorty AK, so I thought I...
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    Holster question

    Does anyone have any experience the the Alessi "Ghost" IWB holster? I am considering one for a Kel-Tec P11. It looks like a very comfortable and versitile holster. Could be worn shirt in, shirt out, with shorts and no belt, etc... Anyone have one of these? Thanks!
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    Excellent expression

    I hope this attachment works, it speaks volumes.
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    How the hell to I include an attachment? I HATE COMPUTERS!
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    Lady Kahr?

    Has anybody heard of a Lady Kahr? While doing my looking and shopping for a P9, I called a semi-local gunshop inquiring about prices on a P9. He informed me he had a Lady Kahr that was about a 98% condition. Two mags, manual, and box. I have never heard of one. Anybody got any info on...
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    Kahr carry question

    I've been considering getting a Kahr P9, possibly a K9 or MK9 for a sometimes carry weapon. The guy at the gunshop, not my usual shop, said that Kahrs are not too safe to carry with a round in the chamber. "The triggers are too sensitive and will sometimes discharge with side pressure". I...
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    P99 Qpq

    Ok, I'll let my ignorance show once more. Just exactly what it a P99 QPQ? I'm sure I'll feel stupid once I hear it, but I haven't seen, read or heard what the difference is in the QPQ. :confused:
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    Private interstate gun sales

    I have a hypothetical question. Now, I never claimed to be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but isn't the private sale of guns to individuals out of state impossible to monitor or control? Example: I'm cruising through the "guns for sale" site, or in a newspaper. I see Sammy Sixgun has a...
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    Which Walther next?

    Ok, Walther owners, collectors and shooters, here's the deal. There are just too many fine choices and I have no winning lottery tickets. I can only get one more Walther(now).:mad: Which would YOU choose in .380? A PPK, or a PP? The pistol will be for maybe for an occassional CCW, but...
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    Sig barrel question

    Are all the Sig P226 barrels interchangeable, or optional? In otherwords, If I have a pre-law 9mm Sig with 15 round mags, will the optional .40 and .357 Sig barrels work on it? What about the Mags? Will .40s and .357sigs work in the 9mm mag? My logic tells me this won't work, but when I read...
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    Ithaca shotgun help?

    Repost from shotgun forum! A friend of mine's grandfather passed away recently and left him several shotguns. A J.C. Higgins 20ga bolt action and another that's a 20ga bolt action clip fed. These are in fairly rough condition. However, he also left him a pair of truly nice ones. One is an...
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    Ithaca shotgun info needed

    A friend of mine's grandfather passed away recently and left him several shotguns. A J.C. Higgins 20ga bolt action and another that's a 20ga bolt action clip fed. These are in fairly rough condition. However, he also left him a pair of truly nice ones. One is an Ithaca double-barrel 12ga in...
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    ABCs revisited

    The ABC's of Gun Rights (The Right To Bear Arms) REFRESHER COURSE a. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject. b. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone. c. Smith & Wesson: The original point and click interface. d. Gun control is not about guns; it's about control...
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    Forwarded letter(re:USS COLE)

    This was sent to me today. Sorry if the format is bad, or if it has previously been posted. The following gives a flavor of why we are here: I just got an e-mail from a friend of mine whose son flies SH-60B's off the USS Hawes. I thought you might like to read it. "It wasn't...
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    History ?

    I recently purchased a Marlin 1894 .357, with a hexagon barrel. MY BROTHER-IN-LAW, (a Texan)made the comment that they did NOT have hexagon barrels in 1894. Now I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but it seems to me that hexagon barrels go waaaaay back. Anyone one know how far back...
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    Security changes at Los Alamos

    To: All staff, Los Alamos National Laboratory From: Bill Richardson, Secretary of Energy Dear staff members: Due to an unfortunate overreaction by the Republican Congress to our minor difficulties in the security area, we're being forced to tighten up just a bit. Effective Monday: 1. The...
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    .22 Mag semi ?

    My neighbor is wanting a .22 mag semi-auto pistol. It seems like I remember hearing someone makes one, but I can't remember who. Is this a figment of my imagination, or do they really exist?
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    OT help (Austrailia)

    I need to locate a reliable florist in the Jimboomba, Queensland area. Preferably one who has a website or toll free number. My Niece was killed in a car accident last night and I need to make arrangements for flowers to be delivered. From the States takes 3 days to have flowers delivered...
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    The secret is out!

    You may remember that on July 8, 1947, witnesses claim that a spaceship with five aliens aboard crashed on a ranch outside Roswell, New Mexico. This is an incident that many say has been covered up by the government. :rolleyes: However, you may not know that on March 31, 1948, exactly 9 months...
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    Gov Keating's plane in trouble

    Breaking news! Oklahoma Govenor Frank Keating's plane is now circling Wiley Post airport dumping fuel. They will attempt an emergency landing. The landing gear will not come down. Govenor Keating is one of the leading contenders for Bush's VP.