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    SAIGA M3 (AK 103) questions

    Hi folks I have a SAIGA M3 side-folder, which is the 'civilian' version of the AK-103. I also have a couple of 'newbie' questions... 1. How do I adjust the frontsight? Is it a question of a gentle tap with a soft faced hammer? 2. The cleaning rod seems to be too long for the storage...
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    Does the US need to change its gun laws?

    Discussion on the BBC News website Does the US need to change its gun laws? Have your say... T.S.
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    Izhevsk AK-103 question

    Is it OK to pull the trigger with the rifle field stripped, or will that break something? I want to store the rifle and bolt separately but am concerned about leaving the mainspring cocked the whole time between range sessions. Thanks T.S.
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    Where did Mike H go?

    Anybody heard from Mike H recently? He seems to have disappeared since the new year, and I was wondering what has happened to him.
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    Sensible comment from BRITISH newspaper...

    From the Telegraph Opinion column... This man wasn't mad about guns - he was just mad By Toby Harnden A HAND-WRINGING Boston Globe editorial lamented the "nightmare that stalks the nation" and "bright river of blood" bursting forth because the country...
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    Why did Bond do this?

    Reading "Diamonds Are Forever" by Ian Fleming, I notice that reference is made to Bond spending hours filing the firing pin on his Beretta .25 to a point. Why? Of course this is a work of fiction, I was just wondering if there was any sense in this. Cheers, TS.
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    Yet more legislation?

    There is something that I really don't understand about calls for more restrictive firearms legislation. Forgive me please if I mis-understand the situation in the US, but: As I understand, people that use firearms for criminal purposes (assault, burglary etc) are breaking existing...
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    Bersa handguns

    Does anyone have any specific experience of the Bersa range of handguns? I'm interested in opinions of quality, reliability and so on for both the full size 'Thunder' range and the PP/PPK clones. I know there are similar handguns out there, but for the purposes of this post I'm just interested...
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    Basque PPK

    Hi, I posted this a couple of days back on Handguns and Pistolcraft, but I guess this is a more appropriate forum. The post asks if anyone has any information about a PPK clone available in the United Kingdom in the very early 80's under the trade name "Basque". [Link to invalid post]...
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    Basque .380

    Hi, Does anyone have any information about a PPK copy that went by the trade name of BASQUE? These were on the market in the United Kingdom in the very early 1980's and were very inexpensive, retailing for about £55 as far as I remember, although it was a long time ago. I'd be interested in...
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    Bersa firearms website

    Thanks very much for the FÉG website links earlier. Does anyone know of a website for BERSA? Thanks!
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    FÉG website?

    Hi, Does anyone know if there is a website for FÉG firearms? I have tried the search engines but haven't come up with anything working. Cheers, ...TS
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    Major re-think?

    Does anyone else think that the time could be ripe for a re-think of how IPSC major and minor power factors are calculated? I was wondering about using a true 'power' based measurement rather than the current momentum based calulation. At present, the awesome .224 BOZ (say 50gr @ 2000fps)...
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    Oh No! Web Board Overload... Does not compute... AAaaaggghhh...

    Does anybody else find it hard to keep up with threads here, on Glock talk, and Shooters... when the posters are the same guys and gals in all three places anyway... BTW, are there any other boards I haven't discovered? As always... Cheers! <font color=red>T.S.</font> [This message has been...
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    Flashlight carry

    How many folks here carry a flashlight on a regular basis, apart from on duty? I don't just mean for (ahem, sorry Kodiac) "tactical" use with a firearm either. What types and brands do you carry, and how do you carry them? Cheers! <font color=red>T.S.</font> [This message has been edited by...