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  1. R

    Plan ahead.

    Two days ago I went to a local gun dealer's store. They were completely out of AR-10s and LAR-8 rifles. The store had only 2 FAL rifles left and 2 very basic M-1A rifles left. They were down to about 8 AR and M-4 style rifles. Normally this place is loaded with all sorts of FALs, M-1A rifles and...
  2. R

    Ghost Ring Sights (GRS) and M-4 carbines...

    Has anybody in this forum used Ghost Ring Sights (GRS) on an M-4 type carbine for tactical training or CQB training? For actual SWAT work or MOUT operations? Would you recommend them or not? Is there any major issues, like sighting change problems, that you observed? Does the GRS increase...
  3. R

    Daley, Chicago and runt governor at it again...

    Well, Komrade Daley and the runt governor of Illinois are at it again with their anti-gun games. For years now, Daley has slowly expanded his control across our area. Daley controls Chicago, Cook County and most state level jobs in Illinois. You can NOT get hired to work for the State of...
  4. R

    Heads Up! Hong Kong And A New Outbreak Of The Flu!!

    CNN is reporting that Hong Kong is having an outbreak of a new flu/SARs or possibly a Bird Flu epidemic just starting. So far 1 child, a little boy, has died from it. Six of his classmates are in the hospital under quarantine with it and they report as many as 300 people have or are being...
  5. R

    Let's Tax Stupidity...

    Here's an idea that is long overdue... Let's tax stupid anti-gun people. The way it works is that any group, college, mall or business, except for religious groups or churches, should be legally required to pay taxes to legally declare themselves to be a "gun free zone." If you own a mall and...