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  1. C

    State v Sieyes - WA Supreme Court

    I'm kind of surprised no one else has posted this already. It appears the WA state Supreme Court has incorporated the 2nd amendment under the due process clause of the 14th. Volokh Conspiracy article here. A couple excerpts "Like Presser and Cruikshank we question the relevance of United...
  2. C

    WaPo poll National parks

    The Washington Post has a new poll up here: we are currently losing the vote battle. Go get them. Reminder cut and paste the address into a new tab or window.
  3. C

    So I wrote to Obama

    Opinions? I would prefer this not degenerate into a bashing of Obama there are enough of those I would however welcome improvements to the text. Senator Obama, As a citizen concerned with civil rights I am curious about how you came to your position on gun control and how it relates to the...