Search results

  1. S

    Something really sick at a gun show...

    I went to a gun show recently for the first time in years, and it was mostly what you'd expect: the Class III dealer booth, National Guard recruiter, the odd Black-Helicopter/NWO table, oldster selling homemade holsters, 1911 shrine (:p), etc. However, I saw something that I hadn't seen...
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    Happened to a friend- WWYD?

    A friend of mine works with a local company that does odd jobs performing maintenance and cleaning local businesses. Let's call him "Chris". Typically, they work after the store closing hours. Recently, three of them were assigned to pressure-wash a gas station/liquor store and fix a chainlink...
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    Traveling through the Southwest

    I and some friends are planning on taking an extended road trip through the Southwest. On the way to the Pacific, we will pass through Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and California. We will be in the cities of Reno, Las Vegas, Albuquerque, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas, and...
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    Neighbor Being Attacked

    You live in a remote area, with your nearest neighbor being a single mother with toddlers. Over the last few weeks, a spate of break-ins, robberies, and trespassing have plagued houses around your property. They've broken into houses and robbed them while people were inside, and are growing...
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    Concealed Carry or not? And other legal questions

    1. If one was carrying a pistol in an object such as a duffel bag, backpack, or briefcase on their person, would they require an Concealed Carry Permit to do so? 2. Let's say you keep a sidearm in your glovebox, and your teenage son or daughter is driving the family vehicle that day. They are...
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    Close call with LEOs

    A few nights ago, I was driving back from a friend's party at 1:00 AM along a back country road. There was a pistol lying on the seat next to me. On the way, I felt the call of nature rather hard, and pulled my car off the road into a lumber company trail. I put handgun under the seat, locked...
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    SBR Parts Kits

    I've often seen advertisements in magazines for gun kits. They are usually almost complete, minus the receiver. There are many I'd be interested in trying to build, such as the Carl Gustavs, Stens, Sterlings, Uzis, etc. However, they all come with barrels far under 16 inches. If one was to...
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    Guns and Gamewardens

    On occasion I go coyote or vermin hunting with friends either on their land or on a local farmer's who wants some pests cleaned out. The last time I did it, a thought struck me: our dress, gear, and activities could be easily misinterpreted as poaching. To elaborate, we would usually either look...
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    Badly Wounded Attacker

    You've successfully defended yourself, and as a result the attacker is badly wounded(bleeding to death, sucking chest wound, etc). The police and ambulance are not there yet, and it appears that if the suspect does not get some first aid quickly they will die. Do you have a legal or moral...
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    Worst Commemorative Guns?

    What's the worst commemorative guns you have seen? I once saw a "Cold War Victory" AK-47 that came sporterized and with a red, white, and blue paint job. XD
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    Academy Sporting Goods Tactical Weapons restriction

    While shopping in an Academy Sporting Goods, I noticed that all the AR-15s, Mini-14s, synthetic stocked 10/22s, and shotguns and "sniper" rifles with black stocks had a tag that said "21 AND OLDER ONLY". I asked the gun sales clerk why the guns had been restricted (was it state law or store...
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    2500+ Rounds = Terror Watch List?

    This sounded like BS when I first heard it, but I'd like to be on the safe side. A friend in the state police said that the Patriot Act/another bill passed states that if police search your home and or person and you are found with over 2500 rounds of a single caliber, you are automatically...
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    Police Winchester 94 and farmer's antique 94- help finding value

    A relative of mine has asked me to research the history and value of two old Winchester 94's he owns- one issued to him when he joined the LA state police after he left the Airborne, the other a family heirloom. The first is chambered in .30 W.C.F, has police armory markings, and is in roughly...
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    M2 Carbine Value?

    I've stumbled upon what appears to be a M2 Carbine converted to semi-automatic fire. The stock shows many dents and scrapes, is cut differently than a normal M1,and is "squarish" in overall shape and feel, with a maroon wood coloration. The bolt is round instead of flat, and the charging lever...
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    Tips on keeping poachers off our land?

    Basically, I'm going to try and raise some quail and pheasant in the back 40 or so acres of my farm, which is knee high brush, creeks, and a few pines. We're also getting a fish pond, and plan to keep a few ducks. The problem is that people routinely poach and trespass in our area, and ducks...
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    Mossberg 590A1 or Remington 870 Police?

    Basically, I'm looking for a durable, hell and back, battle-tested shotgun that can stand up to anything thrown at it and still keeps firing. Now I've heard that the Remington failed to hold up in the military adoption testing, but that the Mossberg can't accept chokes and the like. In your...
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    New Custom 1911 (with a twist) I suppose we all need something in case the undead attack.:D No word on the price, though.
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    Mossberg 590: Any good?

    I am in the market for a decent shotgun for self-defense and perhaps a small amount of hunting. I've fired a shotgun less than 10 times in my life, so I am very inexperienced with them. After reading some articles and talking with a few soldiers, the Mossberg 590 is what I am considering...
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    How do you patent bullet designs?

    I recently thought up an idea for a new bullet load.I haven't been able to find a place to patent it yet, however. Do you have to get a certain type of patent for weapon related inventions? How much do most patents cost to file?
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    M1 Carbine Trigger Assembly

    How do you take the trigger/firing pin assembly apart? My gun has been hitting rounds with minute force lately, which is why I want to figure out what the problem is.