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    Texas Public School District First To OK Conceal Carry At All Levels.

    The Fort Worth Star Telegram reports today that a small West Texas school district approved duly licensed and trained administrators and teachers to conceal carry on campus. This is the first public school district in Texas. Now that the first...
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    Obama's "Civilian National Security Force"

    Obama, speaking in Colorado Springs July 2,2008 calls for a "Civilian National Security Force" as large and as well funded as our current military forces. The speech has not been covered or exposed by the national media. The youtube link is the part...
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    Obama's Acceptance & INVESCO Field

    "Breaking the mold of traditional political Conventions, Senator Barack Obama will accept the Democratic nomination for President of the United States at Denver’s INVESCO Field at Mile High. INVESCO Field can accommodate more than 75,000 people and will be the site of the 2008 Democratic...
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    BHO Terrorist Apology Eight Days After 9/11

    Michelle Malkin, writing for the Family Securities Network, brought to light today a little reported passage from the New Yorker's satirical cartoon of the Obama's and the accompanying feature article. The BHO quote in the NY magazine was previously published eight days after 9/11 in a Chicago...
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    Crime Does Not Pay: Or You Should Have Worked On That Draw Son!

    I would say this fellow got exactly what he deserved. There is something to be said for swift justice. Man accidentally kills himself while trying to rob a Grand Prairie home 1:05 PM CT 01:05 PM CDT on Wednesday, June 18, 2008 By DAN X. McGRAW / The Dallas Morning News...
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    Senator McCain per Glenn Beck

    . Here is Senator McCain's second amendment stance as published today by Glenn Beck. It is a straight forward validation of an individuals right to keep and bear arms. Special Report: Senator McCain on Guns My support for the 2nd Amendment By John McCain Glenn Beck fans, gun rights are...
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    Texas DPS Overwhelmed!

    . Texas CHL applications are overwhelming the DPS. Do you think with the liberal Congress and Presidential political machine over the horizon people sense they need to act now? Is there a grandfathered CHL in the future if no one can get one down the road per BHO? I think there is something...
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    Let's All Support The Brady Campaign To ...

    Help them prevent gun violence. Here's how. The Brady Campaign needs to be encouraged to require their employees and donors to post "Gun Free Home" signs in each of their own front yards. By openly displaying "Gun Free Home", their neighbors and anyone else who drives through the neighborhood...
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    Isn't ben Laden worth 18 new F/16-D fighters?

    It occurs to me that our government in it's infinite wisdom recently rewarded Pakistan with eighteen top of the line new F/16-D fighters with all the bells and whistles to be delivered in 2010. We can't go into the NW territories of Pakistan and by Musharraf's own acknowledgment neither will...
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    Home Invasion: Did Homeowner Go Too Far?

    Home Invasion: Home Owner Taken Into Custody! This morning in Dallas Texas according to Dallas Morning News: DALLAS — An attempted home invasion ended with what police called an all-out gun battle early Wednesday in a North Dallas residential neighborhood. Police said four heavily-armed men...