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    If those terrorists were really smart...

    They would have perpetrated this atrocity when Bill Clinton was President.
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    Hard decision ( in response to recent dog threads)

    Yesterday I had to put down a loyal friend. He was a blue heeler named Dundee. It wasn't for health problems it was because he became untrustworthy. Back in the summer he bit a woman in the leg. He thought he was protecting himself and his family. The woman was on our property, carrying a...
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    Question for Oleg Volk...

    I visited your homepage, and I was wondering why you don't display a gallery of your posters. I was also wondering if I could copy some of your works and use them at my gun display. I sell guns, ya see.
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    Non-Gun English culture...

    I work at Oshman's in Conroe, Texas, in the hunting and fishing dept. I'm really the only one in the store with any real firearms knowledge. The store is located just outside of The Woodlands, a rather upscale suburb of Houston. Well, I get alot of Brits, Scots, Irish as well as other northern...
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    Hey I've got all those...

    and more nasties than McDermont had, and I sell guns too. I have all kinds of firearm paraphanalia scattered all over my house. And I belong to some questionable associations, mmm lets see...the Republican Party, Oh yea, the NRA, GOA, Christian Coalition, etc...and I am a former Marine schooled...
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    I just read in American Handgunner...

    that Kimber slides and frames are made at the Smith and Wesson plant.
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    For the sake of consistency...

    First of all let me point out that I like a loosely run general discussion firearms forum. I enjoy stories that tug at the heart or are just plain funny. I also enjoy discussing my faith. But, I count three or four threads that don't pertain to firearms in the Gen Discussion Forum. I have been...
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    Somebody please tell me how to...

    make make the telescoping butstock of my beutiful little CAR-15 stop rattling. Its that pesky little release knob that's the culprit. It's an aftermarket DPMS metal butstock. I haven't really tried to stop the rattling and could probably do it myself, but any ideas gents will be appreceated.
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    Who really cares...

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    Big gun show in Houston...get 'em while you can.

    There is going to be a really big gun show in Bayou City at the George R. Brown arena, Dec. 8th and 9th. I mean really big...
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    Look what happens when I'm gone...

    I can't believe it! What is happening to my favorite board? dissention in the ranks, no sense of unity anymore. This is the anti's dream. Divide and concure(sp?). Lets get our "mind's right" as Strother Martin said in Cool Hand Luke. Look at all the other boards poopping up, somethings wrong...
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    Arrel's Texas adventure...

    Well friends and neighbors, We have located and are starting to move into our new house in The Woodlands. Finally got out of the camper. If I never see the inside of a travel trailer again it'll be too soon. The Woodlands are great, just what I wanted for my family. As soon as we are relativly...
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    Riflemans Creed...

    I want a copy of the Riflemans Creed. I searched the web but was unable to find a page that had it. I had it memorized when I was a Marine, but alas thats been over 20 years ago. I saw a poster once that showed a Marine sitting on a foot locker cleaning an M1 or M14 and the Riflemans Creed was...
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    Anyone know where Cut and Shoot TX is?

    Well brothers, I'm still in the Lone Star state. It's cooled off somewhat. Still living in my camper and looking for a house. Right now we are at my cousin's house in Cut & Shoot. Looking for a better paying job right now. Presently I am working at the Oshman's store in Conroe, selling guns, not...
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    Made it to Texas...but...

    Well I made it to Texas in one peice. The heat has been brutal. The whole Houston metroplex etc... is for the birds. We are living in our camper up on Lake Conroe for the time being, till we can decide if we really want to commit to Texas. Its really to busy for us. We are small town. I got a...
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    Just got back from Texas....

    Well I really got back Tues., but this is the first time I've been able to get on the computer. Got the first load of stuff to Spring in one peice. I got pulled by a Trooper in Alabama for speeding through a construction zone, completely lack of attention. He was very professional and courteous...
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    Texas bound....

    Anyone who has been following my Texas threads is aware of my upcoming move to the Lone Star State. Well, I'm leaving Monday morning, July 17th. Pray for my safety while making the drive as I will be pulling a 29ft travel trailer full of packed boxes. I figure it to be a three day jaunt, with...
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    To the cops... The funniest thing you ever saw...

    While packing boxes for my impending move to Houston, I had ocassion to use some duct tape to seal a box. This reminded me of the time when I was a Police Officer and answered a domestic problem call for service. I arrived along with backup, to discover that a woman had completely wrapped her...
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    I want on of these...

    MK19 40mm Machine Gun, MOD 3 Manufacturer: Saco Defense Industries Length: 43.1 inches (109.47 centimeters) Weight: Gun: 72.5 pounds (32.92 kilograms) Cradle (MK64 Mod 5): 21.0 pounds (9.53 kilograms) Tripod: 44.0 pounds (19.98 kilograms) Total: 137.5 pounds (62.43 kilograms) Muzzle velocity...
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    Going to Texas...

    After much prayer and reflection. I have decided that I should at least give Texas a visit, and determine the possibilities. I feel that once down there my brother and his wife won't let me leave, however. There just may be better opportunities for myself and my family. I will be relocating a...