Search results

  1. G

    Firearm Collection Insurance

    I've been thinking I should insure my collection. It's above what homeowners would cover and I've been looking around for different options. I would want all firearms and accessories covered for theft and damage. Does anyone have an insurance company that just covers their collections...
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    Brokaw: "I Would Be Nervous Going Into A Bar" In Arizona Brokow states that Arizona residents can carry concealed without a permit. With a simple search I found that you must have a permit to carry concealed and to get a permit one of the...
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    Looking at a Colt - Fixing someone's mistake

    I have been looking for an old Colt 1911 that I could refinish and build. I came across the below gun and had a question: Can this engraving be taken off and not look like the area has been ground down?
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    Bad Driver? In Debt? Proposed NYC Law Would Ban You From Owning a Gun Im glad I do not live in NYC.
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    4" .45 Colt Anaconda

    I wasn't looking to buy another gun, but I just happened to be looking on Gunbroker a few weeks ago and I couldn't pass this up. I might have paid more than I should have, but I dont know if I would be able to find one again. I was able to pick it up over the weekend and it is beautiful...
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    Smith & Wesson Script

    I have a M-66 (1974) and a M-66-1 (1980), the script on the barrel is different, specifically the "&" sign on the barrel, was there a change in design? M-66 M-66-1
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    Help with info on an old COLT

    Can someone help with any info on this gun? How much is it worth? A friend asked if I could get some info on the gun, but I do not know a lot about antique revolvers. What I do know is that it is a Colt, with "New Service 38 W.C.F. marked on the barrel.
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    Cut Away of a Semi & Revolver

    I am putting together a presentation and I needed a cut away of how a semi and a revolver work internally, I have seen a few on the forums in the past, but I cannot seem to find them. Could anyone point me in the right direction? Also, this would be a big plus, are there any that allow the...
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    CBOB Carry

    Well this weekend I spent a little to much money. I ended up buying 4 guns, the last being a Dan Wesson CBOB. I have always wanted one and I plan to carry it. I want to get an idea of how I will carry it, I'm thinking shoulder holster. But for me to get a better idea, can you all post pics...
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    Steve Mcnair & ESPN

    As many of you know Steve Mcnair was shot to death a few days ago. While I feel very bad for his family, ABC/ESPN has infuriated me. All ESPN has been reporting (On the ticker the last few days) is that "Mcnair owned lots of guns." Despite the fact that he was killed with a gun his girlfriend...
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    "Glock Adjustable Grip Models Announced"

    I just came across this article, don't know if its true:
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    Anyone seen one of these before?

    I have the opportunity to buy this gun for $280 from a friend. I have not seen it yet in person, just this pic. He said it was a Budapast 32c, does anyone know anything about this gun or what it is worth? [/IMG]
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    Anyone seen one of these before?

    I have the opportunity to buy this gun for $280 from a friend. I have not seen it yet in person, just this pic. He said it was a Budapast 32c, does anyone know anything about this gun or what it is worth?
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    My $20 purchase

    I bought this gun from a friend today for $20. Does anyone know what this gun is worth or what its reputation is(good/bad)? Thanks for the help. [/IMG] [/IMG]
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    1911 first

    I recently went to the gun store and held a Kimber Covert 1911. I have a few Glocks and Smith and Wessons, but this is the first 1911 I ever held and looked at. It felt great in my hands, if I had the money I would have bought it ($1329) but it is out of my price range. Any suggestions on a...
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    Military/LE Discount

    I just found out that the Military/LE Discount also applies to EMS/Fire/Security for Glocks. Do any other manufacturers offer this discount? Thanks
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    How did I do today?

    I went to the gun show today and bought an OD green Glock 36 ($526)and a used Smith and Wesson Chiefs Special cs40 ($399). I dont really know alot about the Chief Special, did I get a good deal or did I get ripped off.
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    Does anybody know this TV gun?

    In the latest episode of nip/tuck, julia purchases a gun for self defense. Can anyone identify what gun she bought?
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    Need opinions for CCW

    I currently have a Glock-19, but it is to large for my to carry. So, I decided to buy a new one, but Im having a hard time deciding which pistol to purchase for concealed carry. My top three choice are Para Worthog, Glock 36 or Kimber Ultra Covert II. Any opinions would be appreciated. Thanks
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    Can anyone help me id this gun?

    I recieved this gun from a relative with no information about it. I think it is WW II era and Japanese because it has Japanese writing on it.(at least I think it is Japanese) Can anyone tell me what it is, what is it worth, and could it or should I have it restored. Thankyou.