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  1. I

    Kahr CW-40 update

    Some of you may remember from older threads about my having problems with my CW-40. First problem was that the non-load-bearing part of a frame rail (right side of pistol) was splitting. Sent to Kahr, they replaced the frame. They also polished up my bbl feed ramp as I'd asked them to try and...
  2. I

    My Kahr is Back...

    Some of you may remember the thread (or two) I started about my broken Kahr... is one of those threads if you want to read it, too... Well, sometime while I was sunning myself on the glorious beaches of Punta Cana, Dominican Republic...
  3. I

    Broken Kahr...

    Trying to "spread the word", so to speak, about my issue with my CW-40. My CW-40 MUST go back to the mother ship. After this, I may very well have to swear 'em off. I read just about every Kahr thread that I find; I usually always manage to give a thumb's up, at least to the CW line of...
  4. I

    Geo. Fisher?

    I perused through the threads, but didn't see anything already relating. I have an old side-by-side shotgun with only the letters "Geo Fisher" stamped into the sides of the action/reciever. I presume this shotty to be 16ga or 12ga...I don't have any gauge or shells to check! It's double...