Search results

  1. S

    Calverts and Leeds dueling pistols

    A relative of mine owns a pair of dueling pistols that I've long admired. I told her that I'd try to find out what I could about them. One of them has the name "Calverts" engraved on it; the other has "Leeds" engraved. Here's a scan of the pistols. Click on the pic for a high-res image. <A...
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    Kydex or Concealex for holster?

    I'm considering getting a belt holster from Blade-Tech for my Glock 23. I'm interested in knowing what the adantages and disadvantages are between Kydex and Concealex for this sort of application. Either way the holster would be the made in the black color of each material. Any comments or...
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    test ------------------ Kelly AKTI Member #A000289 Deo Vindice
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    What's going on with FOUP?

    I haven't heard much about this in quite a while. Any update on it? How far away from the fundraising target are we? Thanks. ------------------ Kelly Deo Vindice
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    Concealed carry in church???

    The recent church shootings outside of Baton Rouge have brought up the topic of carrying concealed firearms in church. I've discussed this with several friends and co-workers, all of whom feel it is a MORTAL SIN to even THINK about bringing your gun to church. The most suprising thing to me...
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    What's the best gun safe?

    I'm getting ready to purchase a quality gun safe. All of the safes that I've looked at seem to have several features that are appealing. I'm not interested in the fancy paint or gold fixtures, as the safe will not be in the open. I'm just looking for a good basic safe that offers protection...
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    Where do I get a good safari/photog vest?

    I think you guys have convinced me to give a vest a try (is that my wife wailing in the background? ;)) Where's a good place to buy one. I've found a few online that look OK:
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    Any experience with Robar products/services?

    I'm considering buying a Glock 27 and having Robar perform their grip reduction to it, as well as refinishing it. Does anyone have any experience with this company, and Glock modifications in particular? ------------------ Kelly Deo Vindice
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    Do you wear a safari/photographer vest?

    How many of you wear this type of vest. With all of the stuff I keep adding to my daily carry list, I'm gonna have to start totin' a bookbag around with me. The number of pocket in one of these vests would allow me to take my whole knife collection (OK - maybe not the WHOLE collection ;))...
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    What happened to BTI gun safes?

    I purchased a gun safe from a company called Bedford Technologies, Inc. (BTI) about 8 years or so ago. I haven't seen any ads for them in a number of years, and wondered if anyone knew what became of them. The safe is called the Guardian, and is one of those quick-access types. It has four...
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    Need help with MAK-90 value

    I need some help determining the current value of my Norinco MAK-90. Between the Net and Gun List, I have no clue as to the value, other than it's somewhere between $250 - $800. I purchased it on the day that Congress passed the "assault weapons" ban in 1994 (I think it was.) It was imported...