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  1. S

    A fond farewell!

    Guys this is not only my 2000th post but my last one. It was a toss up between doing this in Handloading & Reloading or here in The Hunt. Hunt won :D! I will miss this place but not as I would have missed it if Art, Oleg and others had not started Thanks for...
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    Deer roasts!

    My daughter showed up today with 2 large deer roasts, 1 pack of deer, chops and one pack of BACKSTRAP, and the best part is yesterday when it was cool and kinda drizzley I never had to leave my warm bed to get em. Never had to drag him thorugh the swamps, never had to do nuttin! :D To top it...
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    Bad news.

    Hi all............back from offshore a lot sooner than expected. I got a call yesterday afternoon while in the Gulf of Mexico that my wifes mother had passed away. It was not totally unexpected. I managed to get a flight in late yesterday afternoon even though the squall lines were bad in...
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    Bye for now

    Hey a call from my old company yesterday (Chevron/Texaco) offering me a contract to superivse some storm damage repair in the Gulf of Mexico. I leave on a 6AM Flight tomorrow. Will be gone till thanksgiving week then go back till Christsmas week, then back again until the...
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    Price comparison.

    Just got back form the local gun store and would like to compare prices with some of you in other parts of the country. 1 pound of H-4831 100 #11 precussion caps 500 Large pistol primers Total $42.79 The powder was $24.75 Primers were $12.00 Caps were $2 Rest was tax I wanted 500 Large...
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    squrriels on the stove

    OK oldest son-in-law (not the one that manages the big farm) went squrriel hunting yesterday afternoon after work (WITHOUT my 5 year old grandson) and got 5 of em. He also got his truck stuck in a tractor rut in the cane field. I had to pull him out with a...
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    Great news!

    My youngest son in law informed me this morning that he has left his job as a sugar cane harvesting equipment mechanic with the largest sugar cane harvesting equipment manufacturer in the world and taken the job of managing a very large sugar cane farm that was recently purchased by the manager...
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    What are the possibilities?

    As bad as these Maryland shootings are, I just can't help but wonder about the possibility of the person/persons behind them being associated with some anti-gun orginization? Look at it this way...........around and in the nations capital guarantees more than usual news...
  9. S

    30-06 cases

    Just a bit of information about loads and safety with max loads. I wanted to try some Sierra 168 grain Match Kings for use in a bolt rifle. I had some IMR-4350 that is about 25 years old and I wanted to use it up. The max load in Hornady II is 56.1 grains, in Hornady III it is listed as 57.6 and...
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    Doves in the barn!

    Maybe I won't have to go in the fields Saturday when Dove season opens down here. I just got back from the barn in my back yard and there were about 10 or 12 doves IN THE HORSE STALL cleaning up what the horses dropped from their morning feeding! I am thinking of the...
  11. S

    .38 Spl Wadcutter dies by RCBS

    Guys I need an answer :D. For more years than I will admit to I have loaded .38 Spl. wadcutters both for my .357 "N" frame S&W, and my Model 52 S&W with regular RCBS .38Spl dies. These include both commercial hollow base wadcutters and solid ones that I cast myself. A few days ago on E-bay I...
  12. S

    Got him!

    As some of you know I have been out of country for the last month or so working in the oil fields. I missed the opening of deer season here and now its between splits so I have a week to go. Today I did get one though :D! He was a good one! A wall hanger but I am afraid that the load of shot...
  13. S

    Will reload in a month!

    Hi folks, Just a short note to let y'all know that Shell Oil Syria (Al Farout Petroluem) made me an offer I just cant pass up, as a rig supervisor. I will be leaving today and should be back in one month then I will be on a 28-28 rotation. I should have lots of time to reload then!
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    U.S. Opposes 'Unconstitutional' Arms Ban

    UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Staking out a tough position at a U.N. conference on small arms, the United States said today it would oppose any plan that interferes with the legal weapons trade or the right of citizens to own guns.Undersecretary of State John Bolton told delegates to the conference...
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    Real hot .22 shorts!

    I know that this may be before some of y'all were around but back in about 1959 or 60 I bought a few 25 packs of .22 shorts that came in a pack that looked like "Chicklets gum packages". They were even in cellophane with the lil red strip to tear off to get the cellophane torn off of them. IIRC...
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    Art Eatman

    OK folks, Art just departed from here after spending a day and night. While he was here the wife and I tried to feed him enough to put 20 pounds on him :D. He said to let y'all know that he is alive and well and should reach Georgia sometime tomorrow. I feel certain that he will be back on TFL...
  17. S

    Art Eatman

    OK folks, Art just departed from here after spending a day and night. While he was here the wife and I tried to feed him enough to put 20 pounds on him :D. He said to let y'all know that he is alive and well and should reach Georgia sometime tomorrow. I feel certain that he will be back on TFL...
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    Art is alive and on the road!

    Just got a call from our friend Art about 5 mins ago. He says to tell y'all he is still alive :D and kicking too. Will be by this way about noon Saturday. I am looking forward to the visit. OH rifle related? Well lets see.......Oh OK we will look at one or 2 for sure!
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    Sifting Powder

    I stumbled across this while searching for good prices on surplus powders (yea i know ... I'm tight :D) on the internet and when I started reading it I remember thinking each time that I use ball powder I wonder about the different sizes and shapes of the balls in the same lot of powder and the...
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    Factory ammo screw up!

    Seeing that this was a rifle cartridge I guess it goes in the "rifle" forum. At least 70% of the time when hunting whitetail in any kind of semi-open country, I usualy grab my Rem. 700 25-06. I had a chance yesterday for just a short while (after being relieved from helping take care of my...