Search results

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    "But Doctor, you cut off the wrong leg!"

    Those that encounter anti-firearm attitudes in their doctor's office or clinics, advise them they need to clean up their own industry before embarking on emotive goodwill missions:,2933,40168,00.html Agency Warns of Increase in Wrong Surgeries Wednesday...
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    Training in Tallahassee?

    My inlaws, residents of Tallahassee, now have an interest in obtaining a firearm for home defense. Having absolutely no experience with firearms of any kind, I have strongly advised them to get some quality training before they do anything. Can anyone suggest certified, quality trainers in the...
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    Taliban and Weaponery: Extremely Interesting!

    Perusing the online newspapers, I came upon the following news story from a Pakistan paper: The Millat An extremely interesting paragraph states how we (the US) believe it should be quite simple to topple the Taliban because they "deweaponised" the citizenery. Obviously, one must be cautious...
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    European Soccor-Talk Begins

    Well, it certainly did not take long for the usual crowd to begin their predictable, vulgar, weak-knead, pantywaist soccor-talk. I'm not sure who I dislike more: The Taliban or the French.
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    St. Paul Pioneer Press

    St. Paul Pioneer Press 5/10/01 LAURA BILLINGS Staff Columnist Readers: A gentle return volley on concealed carry In honor of the concealed carry weapons bill that will soon come to a Senate vote, I thought I'd answer some interesting reader mail on the topic. "I love how you ``anti'' guns...
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    Forget the Firearm: If have just a permit, you're not welcome! (Minnesota)

    The casino mentioned in this tale has a firing range. (Go figure.) Regards ps Oleg: This should interest you.
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    Poll: Minnesota CCW Legislation

    Let them know:
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    The Pink Pistols

    And as they said in that Seinfeld episode: "Not that there's anything wrong with it."
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    Will SCOTUS spank SCOTSOF and make Bush POTUS, leaving an angry DUFAS?

    I certainly hope so. Regards
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    New Range Policy on Rentals

    While visiting a range I frequent when I wish to try something new, I found their new rental policies a bit bothersome, but understandable. The exact location and name of this facility is not important, but it is an excellent indoor range: a quite modern place with a vast selection of rentals...
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    DOCTORsight (holographic red dot)

    Does anyone have any experience with the subject sight, specifically on a 1911 style pistol? Regards
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    Glock Ammunition

    Looking at various Glock models at a local shop yesterday, the owner stated that you should never use plain lead ammo (such as swc) in Glocks, regardless of model or caliber: Something about the barrels blowing up. Any truth to this? Does the factory make any statements regarding lead-only...
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    An Observation: Firearms=Intellect?

    Among my usual daily travels while surfing, in addition to the usual news sources and financial sites I visit, there are three others that have become regular. All three are forums such as this, and the topics are: 1. Firearms (this site) 2. Politics 3. Automotive After months of daily visits...
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    Project Safe Child

    So, you wish to save the children? You care so much for the children? Then starting today, unless you have that child of yours wearing a Snell approved crash helmet each time they get in the car, then I can't possibly see how you care about your child. This precious little bundle of joy you...