Search results

  1. T

    Are Freedom Arms revolvers worth $1500+?

    I mean this as a serious question, not to promote a 'mine is better than yours' session, but I generally subscribe to the school of thought that you get more if you pay more. What in the design and/or construction of these guns makes them cost as much as they do? I have no experience in...
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    Colt 2nd generation SAA

    I need some help evaluating a potential purchase. A local dealer has a Colt revolver, blue/color case, 7.5" barrel, black grips, no engraving, that he he describes as 2nd generation, and for which he's asking $1500. The gun has never been fired (unless it was done so at the factory), and has the...
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    .45 S&W cartridge?

    S&W lists in the specs for their Model 3 Schofield that it is chambered for the .45 S&W caliber. This is something I've never heard of; can someone please enlighten me?
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    Western style revolver recommendations?

    I'm considering purchasing my first revolver, and after some initial research have focused on the western style single action revolvers, probably 5 1/2 inch barrel, possibly 45 colt caliber. This would not be used for hunting or self defense, just target shooting which I greatly enjoy...
  5. T

    Hunting / military style semiauto differences are ...?

    Looking at the posts from the past couple of weeks there are several that reference AR15 style rifles, but few comments regarding the 'hunting' semiautos, such the Browning or Remington models. My sense is that most would recommend going to a Bushmaster rather than a BAR for a semiauto (?). My...
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    HK handgun variants question

    After an opporunity to try various HK's at a recent 'HK' day at a local range, I'm thinking about purchasing a USP either full size or compact (yes, good marketing ideas work on those of us with minimal willpower when it comes to firearms). However, I'm a bit confused about the HK variants. Are...
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    Is there anything Clinton/Gore won't lie about?

    "An internal Energy Department memo reveals that the Clinton administration knew its own environmental regulations were a major reason gas prices jumped to record highs in the Midwest last month, even as officials publicly laid blame on "big oil" companies." Full story...
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    New G19 problems - Episode 2

    Well, range trip 2 with the new Glock, and I'm cautiously optimistic. Several of you responded to my original post (see link below), once again demonstrating the generosity of the good folks at TFL; and that I'm not too old to learn something new. As per suggestions I received, I thoroughly...
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    Arrrrgh! New G19 problems.

    I also posted this on the Glock Talk site; apologies to those of you who have either seen it there or who have seen this kind of post before and are thinking 'Oh no, not another one". I picked up a NIB 19 at a show last Saturday, and went to the range Sunday to try it out. The first 20 rounds...
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    Congratulations! As of today you're working for yourself.

    From the Washington Times: "Today, June 16, the average American worker finally begins to work for himself. According to the "Cost of Government Day Report: 2000" by Americans for Tax Reform (ATR), the average worker will have pent the first 167 days of 2000 "earn[ing] enough gross income to...
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    Maybe Rosie has been forgotten ...

    or will be soon. This from the CNN website: "Rosie O'Donnell was once thought to be the savior of the televised Tony Awards. Now she's saddled with a dubious record. Sunday's telecast of Broadway's finest hour on CBS drew only 8.5 million viewers and had the lowest ratings ever for a Tony...
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    How to get (and keep) an FFL?

    The subject title is the question. Just to help my understanding of the issues regarding gun laws, could someone with experience explain just what this process is, how someone becomes a firearms dealer and stays one? Thanks in advance. ------------------ "Government is not reason; it is not...
  13. T

    Anyone shot/own a SIG Trailside?

    I've been avidly following the posts regarding .22 pistols, and would like to have one for all the reasons already expressed. I've handled the S&W and Ruger models, but no dealer close has a Trailside. The posts on the new Beretta are also intriquing, but if anyone has a Trailside and could...
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    A pro-rkba march is doa

    I've followed the various threads on if, why, and how, those who are pro-rkba should respond to the (so called) MMM. The responses indicate that the idea of another march (ala SAS) is not going anywhere; whether from fatigue or legimate concerns on the efficacy of such an event, gun owners don't...
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    Let's see, after gun confiscation....

    comes this?: ------------------ "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." Albert Einstein
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    How to carry gear?

    I am a relative newcomer to handgun shooting, having recently purchased a Sig P229 in .40 caliber. It's already a little cumbersome carrying everything to the range, and will probably get more so as I'm already contemplating a second handgun purchase. My Sig came with a hard plastic lockable...
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    Guns, politics, and the media

    For a timely comparison of how political agendas shape gun issue news coverage: "Poll: Most don't favor new gun laws" and "Gun Control Hot on Campaign Agendas" The titles are the giveaway...
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    Kansas City gun shop recommendations

    I will be in the KC area in a few weeks (on a Saturday), and will have some time available after taking care of business. Can anyone recommend a 'perfect' store to visit; you know, great selection, helpful and knowledgeable staff, good location so the rest of the family has other places to shop...
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    Where to buy, redux.

    Thought I would post a brief followup on my quest to purchase a first handgun (whether to buy in store or by mail). After looking a little harder, I found two stores in the area with knowledgeable, helpful staff, and prices much better than list (though not the absolute cheapest available...
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    First purchase: local dealer or order?

    I'm returning to shooting after several years absence, will be taking a handgun course this weekend, and shortly after that (hopefully) purchase my first handgun. There is not an abundance of dealers within an hour's drive of where I live; and while those visited have been polite and generally...