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    The Appleseed Project

    I have recently become active with Appleseed Project and was wondering about the possibility of a sticky thread being posted directing TFL's readers to their site. As both "organizations" share similar aims and principals, I thought this may be a mutually beneficial idea to help attract and...
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    Army Won't Field Rifle Deemed Superior to M4

    From: | By Christian Lowe | April 06, 2007 It's a debate that's gone on for years - and now it's finally coming to a head. The compact M4 carbine - a shortened version of the M16 - that is now standard issue for most Army troops, some Marines and other specialized units is...
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    Old Thread Warning

    Old Thread Warning This Thread is more than ... days old. It is very likely that it does not need any further discussion and thus bumping it solves no purpose. Minor issue: solves, should be, serves. :cool:
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    Shoot to kill?

    I've been searching through the forums, ( I didn't notice any thread that this topic was directly related to, so please excuse me if it has already been posed.) and have noticed many suggested responses to potentially deadly situations. Some rather inventive, others plainly sophomoric.(IMO)...
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    Ameriglow Tritium Night Sights

    Looking for a simple tritium sighting solution in the open rifle sight format. Anyone have any experience with these or know of any comparable products? I checked out XS but these are 1/2 the price. Im wondering if such a difference is justified...
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    Audit: FBI snooping did not follow rules

    The FBI is guilty of "serious misuse" of the power to secretly obtain private information under the Patriot Act, a government audit said Friday. The Justice Department's inspector general looked at the FBI's use of national security letters (NSLs), in which agents demand personal and business...
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    Immigration raid in Mass.

    AP release: Children stranded after immigration raid Dozens of young children were stranded at schools and with baby-sitters after their parents were rounded up by federal authorities who raided a leathergoods maker suspected of hiring illegal immigrants, authorities said Wednesday. About...
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    Multi-purpose shotgun advice wanted

    New to modern firearms and am looking to purchase a shotgun for self-defense, both at home and for use during long backpacking trips. I had considerd a handgun, but as I backpack in different states a shotty seems to be more practical as it doesnt require any special permit to own/carry. Keep...