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  1. P

    Samuel L. Jackson on guns (tonight's Conan O'Brien)

    Tonight on Conan O'Brien, left-wing actor Samuel L. Jackson let it be known that not only does he own a gun, but that he considers it responsible to be able to protect yourself. :confused: It seemed to me that the audience and host were all completely shocked when Jackson mentioned that he has...
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    Convicted? Need a Gun? No Problem

    Story location:,1283,56719,00.html
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    Japan: Old man fatally knifed, punched in bed

    Thank goodness for those draconian gun control laws in Japan! At least he wasn't shot.
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    Australia: Robbers killed, bystanders hit in shooting
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    Australia: Gun crime - it's in the hand of the beholder

    I don't think this has already been posted....
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    Mega-thread on William Safires 'Invasion of Privacy' article.

    NYT: Pentagon Plans a Computer System That Would Peek at Personal Data of Americans (link requires registration)
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    Upset in Georgia!

    Woo-hoo! The State of Georgia reporting in! We wish to report that the pinko commie scum Max Cleland will not be returning to spread his filth in Washington, D.C. Instead, he has been replaced with Saxby Chambliss. In addition, King Roy has been overthrown, replaced by Governor-elect Sonny...
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    Realistic reporting on bullet wounds?

    The Register is a British tech tabloid of sorts. The original British edition is on the web at while the U.S. edition is at In a recent article at, reporter Thomas Greene actually exhibits a...
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    Gallup: Sniper Attacks Have Little Impact on Public Attitudes About Guns

    New Gallup poll on guns. I have not included the list of questions & response percentages because of the time it would take to get that formatted properly. You can view the entire report, including the charts and question/answer tables at
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    Australian university shooting
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    Bush to SUPPORT gun fingerprinting?

    WGST radio in Atlanta just did a brief one-sentence report that Bush has reversed his earlier opinion on gun fingerprinting and will ask the ATF to investigate setting up a database. Unable to find confirmation yet.
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    [British Shadow Chancellor] Howard's wife tells of mugging ordeal,,2-411617,00.html
  13. P

    Tonight's NY lottery winning numbers....

    ...are 9-1-1. :eek: No, I'm not kidding. Go to and on the right-hand side, scroll down to the list "Lotto" "Mega Millions" "Take Five" "Numbers" etc., and click on "Numbers". Up above, the winning numbers will be shown. Probably will only work through...
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    First rule of robbery: Pick a sheeple (Clayton Co., GA)

    If you want your robbery to succeed, pick a sheeple instead of someone who will fight back. (Lord knows there's enough of 'em.) Radio reports contain audio of sherrif/police representative stating it was self defense, no charges...
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    Arthur Kellerman: The Teflon Doc

    Amusing little article. :)
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    FBI agent charged with hacking
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    'Electric armour' vaporises anti-tank grenades and shells
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    PGP is alive again

    For those interested in privacy, PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) has been resurrected. This encryption product has been bought by the newly-formed PGP Corporation, headed by several of the former PGP developers. In addition, the creator, Phil Zimmerman, along with Bruce Schneier and a few others...
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    Florida polygraph examiner admits giving fake test in murder investigation "This is the kind of thing that happens frequently," said James Matte So, the State frequently prosecutes people on the basis of false evidence?
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    Security consultant charged for possessing $54 million in missiles