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  1. T

    How NOT to train your Black Lab

    Okay, I'm not the world's best trainer, but I'm getting there. We were at our place in Maine this week, so I did a little training with my dogs. The Black Lab is an awesome water dog, and LOVES it when I take out a gun, but he needed a little work with retrieving. The problem is, I...
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    Hillary Crying???

    Okay, sound off if you've seen it. We've seen her re-invent herself a hundred times. Lately, all she's been spewing is that "real change vs. talk about it" blather. This woman can melt holes in steel with lasers out of her eyes, that's if they haven't sustained water damage. She sure as H*LL...
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    As for tonight....

    I love my gun. Okay, that makes it firearms related. Mods...Not being a wiseguy, but I hope you'll keep this open until at least midnight. I truly wish that all of you, Christian or not, those I've agreed and disagreed with, those who think I'm a nut, Glock, Kimber, Springfield or other fans...
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    Little .45 Caliber angel ornaments to hang on the tree. The Buying ammo @ Wal-Mart thread gave me this idea. These are not live! I used my reloading press - no primer or powder. Giving them to friends & (some) family.
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    KUDOS to the Security Guard

    How about some Kudos for that security guard at the Colorado church. She puts a friendly face on the "lethal force for the power of good" argument we've always touted. The media can't help but credit her. I'll bet it makes them boil. I heard Rosie O'Donnel punched a piece of coal so hard it...
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    Meanwhile, Back at Wal-Mart....

    A recent thread about a shady Mid-Eastern fella' at an Arizona Wal-Mart got the poster praised, chastized and eveything in between. The "hinkines" factor was called into play. Friday night, with Omaha still fresh in my mind, I was at Wal-Mart with my wife and two kids. While my wife (in...
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    The Safety of the Safety

    OK, I'm a 1911 fan to start, but I've read in thread after thread about how wonderfully complicated the safety of a 1911 is as a means to confuse anyone who might take it from you, giving you that split-second to take it back. So I did a little non-scientific test; I have a friend who owns a...
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    Caught in an "OOPS"

    The other day at the supermarket, I was carrying my everyday sidearm well concealed under a big sweater. I ran into a 4th grade student of mine who was there with her mom. Without warning, she barreled into me with open arms; "Mr. G!!" of course, those little elbows went right around my waist...
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    Kimber's Challenges

    Kristop64089 started a well intended thread about Glocks. He made it a point to ask; It was to no avail. I'm putting faith in you folks that it CAN be done without the petty banter. And I am generally interested in this question; I'm a Kimber fan. I appreciate the worksmanship of many guns...
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    Thinking of Becoming a Trainer

    Not for the money, just to help folks out up here in not-so-gun-friendly RI. Also, a CWP (which I have, but had to do a real song and dance routine to get) is a rarity in my state. Thought it might also help at renewal time when the next anti-gun A.G. takes office. Any thoughts? Is it just a...
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    The Awful Turkey Shoot

    Every year, to raise money for our junior rifle league, we hold a fundraiser. Aside from raffles, $5 for ten rounds out of an AR 15, same deal with an M1, and a variety of novelty weapons, we hold what has become a popular event. A 9X9 sheet of paper with 1/2 inch numbers set in a grid. Shot...
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    Range's answer machine on "message only".

    Deleted, Accidentally posted twice under different title. Mods.. Please remove. Sorry!
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    Reciprocal of Parking Lot Thread

    Remember the thread that posed a situation in which two guys are walking behind you as you go to your car? I just got back from running an errand for my wife. Got my little bag of goodies in my hand as I walk out of the store. Being the chivalrous gent that I am, I opened the door for a girl in...
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    You've Got To See This!

    Whenever I go to my place in Maine, I spend a great deal of time practicing with my rifles, because there's not many ranges in my home state where I can shoot high powered weapons. Evey once in a blue moon, just for kicks and to confuse my dogs, I take out my old compound bow I've had since I...
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    The "Look" of Your GUN

    No, I'm not asking how "mean" or "cool" it looks, and I'm not one for vanity. On Martha's Vineyard, you can spot a tourist because their Black Dog T-shirt looks less than five years old. At the Yacht Club, brand new topsiders make you look like a novice sailor. A shiny and waxed ATV looks...
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    Outside Light on for Safety

    I've got the best wife I could hope for. She's intellegent, comes shooting with me, just about all I could ask for. We're penny-pinchers, but we disagree on one thing; I feel the outside light in the back yard should be on at night. She insists it's expensive (it's an energy saver). I counter...
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    Some Discretion

    Got a private message from a member today - a good poster and I got a bit quick with him on these boards. Hope he understands based on my private reply, but something has been bugging me. To avoid any other misunderstandings, please let me offer this out in the open. Respond or don't, I just...
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    I'm not trying to make this into scenario #2,354,802, but I have a question; We've been all over the "shoot or run" "cover" and countless offsprings of scenarios dealing with conduct before, during and after a perp does the BG routine. Let's throw out the "are you really in danger?" aspect just...
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    Anyone Want a 9MM Recipie?

    In short; Hornaday 9MM 124GR FMJ/FP's .355 encapsulated 4.1 GR of Win 231 Federal primers Set to OAL 1.112 Just enough taper crimp so that the cartrige contacts the die & leaves a barely noticeable shine ring. Snappy and crisp, but not overbearing, plenty to properly cycle my wife's Glock 34 -...
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    The Target I Saw....

    At the range last night, some guy brought in one of those "picture" targets (drawn by an artist, not a photo) with the BG pointing a gun at you. It took a minute, but then I realized who the picture looked like. The company must have hired an anti artist, because the bad guy drawn on the target...