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  1. D

    Pendleton revolving safes--anyone using one?

    The revolving safes from Pendleton at seem innovative and handy. Does anyone here have one? I'd like to get a discussion going on the pros and cons, if any. Youtube video link--sales presentation of several Pendleton units. I love the idea of the white interior (though...
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    Chicago Second Amendment Freedom Rally (SAFR) July 9th!

    It's time once again for the third annual Second Amendment Freedom Rally, the largest (not to say "only") event of its kind in downtown Chicago, Illinois! When: Friday, July 9th from 11:00-1:00 Where: The plaza at the James R. Thompson Building on Lasalle St. Who: All are welcome...
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    Jim Ryan retracts claim of gun rights endorsement, blaming errors of "recollection."

    Ryan is a piece of work . . . . he seems to think he can "triangulate" gun owners in Illinois. And from the comments I'm seeing at IllinoisCarry and some other places acting as if he's already won the primary, I'm not surprised he feels that way. The newest twist in this saga is that the whole...
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    Gun owners beware: Jim Ryan announces run for Illinois Governor

    Gun owners beware: Jim Ryan announces run for Illinois Governor Link to Youtube video of Ryan's announcement. The last time Ryan was discussed on gun boards, it was because of his "online sting" operation from 2000. He was the Attorney General of Illinois back then, and he had his...
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    Legal Expert Avery Friedman sees little hope for Chicago at Supreme Court

    Chicago Gun Rights Examiner: Legal Expert Avery Friedman sees little hope for Chicago at Supreme Court Read the whole thing . . . Friedman first struck me as an opponent of gun rights, dismayed at the idea of concealed carry, but after speaking with him privately I think he's more of an...
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    Open letter to the Illinois State Police: your advice will get women killed

    Open letter to the Illinois State Police: your advice will get women killed The Illinois State Police have, for years, advised women who visit their website to defend themselves from sexual assault by vomiting on themselves or pretending to be pregnant or, as a last resort, fighting off their...
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    Chicago 2nd Amendment Freedom Rally 2009

    Yes, we're doing it again! For the second year in a row, on June 26, 2009, Illinois gun owners will gather at the Thompson Building in Chicago (that's across the street from Mayor Daley's offices) to show that Chicago is not the anti-gun capital that people think. It's the Second Amendment...
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    Do Us All a Favor and Phone These Legislators

    As you love me, dear friends . . . . as you love yourselves, your posterity, and your liberty, call these people and simply say "Please vote no on HB 48 and all other gun control in the House." It's coming up for a vote today or tomorrow, and it would eliminate private firearm sales in Illinois...
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    Surplus 1911's for Indiana Deputies--Am I the Only One Who Thought That Was Cool?

    I noticed the other day that there's no thread in here on the article about Sheriff Ken Campbell's solution to the expense of issuing quality 1911-style pistols. His Sheriff's Office is getting surplus 1911's (many WWII vintage--many of them would be expensive collectors' pieces if they were...
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    FS2000 Raffle

    LINK: PURCHASE TICKETS HERE! 1st prize is an FS-2000 rifle in 5.56x45 2nd Prize is a GLOCK 27 in 40S&W. 3rd Prize is a Nikon Laser 800 range finder. Tickets are $20 each or 6 for $100 . . . and only 500 will be sold! Here is a link to the online raffle ticket sales. We will be drawing a...
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    First USPSA/IPSC

    Finally, it was my turn. My nerves were jangling and the butterflies seemed to have attracted large, predatory birds to my stomach. "Do you have any questions?" I knew all I had to do was be silent. I shook my head anyway. "Make ready!" I took a mag from my pocket, drew my worn P220 (an old...
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    Where Would You Look for a Good Belt/Holster?

    Winning the trip to Blackwater made me realize I don't really have a good option for CCW. I have a fanny pack and I have a Maxpedition Jumbo Versipack, but I use those because my state requires it, not because I like them. I'd really like to use this trip as an excuse to get a good belt/holster...
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    Can't Believe My Luck--training with Todd Jarrett For Free

    I just got off the phone with Kerby Smith at Para-USA. They want to put me up for a weekend, pay for guns and ammo and clothing and room and board, and let me train with Todd Jarrett for free. I told him yes. :D
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    Second Amendment Freedom Rally in CHICAGO!

    (I'm looking for a charter bus going to Chicago that day from Springfield. If I don't find one, I'll look into chartering one myself. The cost per person shouldn't be bad, but if you have any interest in riding along let me know ASAP.) If you're from Illinois, and you're even curious about gun...
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    I Want a Maxpedition Versipack

    Specifically, I'm thinking a Jumbo in tan with the holster and mag holders. Remember, in Illinois, I can have a pistol in there, but it has to be unloaded. I hate my fanny pack and I'm not legally allowed to carry in a holster. Convince me not to buy the Versipack Jumbo, or forever hold your...
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    Who makes night sights for early SIG P220's?

    I know someone else here has already had this problem. I wanted XS 24/7 Big Dot express night sights for my P220. However, it was made in 1989, and a very helpful representative at XS warned me that the newer sights, designed for the dovetail on the newer guns, won't work. Now, the early...
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    What the heck? IDPA on Thursday mornings?

    If you ever needed evidence that the shooting sports are dominated by old retired guys. . . . Darnall's Range in Bloomington is advertising a twice-a-week IDPA league. It's almost a two-hour drive for me, but I was sorta considering it--but the only available times are Wednesday evenings and...
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    IL State Senators call gun owners "Sex Offenders" on the Senate Floor!

    This has got me boiling. :fire: Notice also that fool Dillard, who thinks you can pay someone a compliment by saying "Well, she's no Annie Oakley, you know!" No sir, she certainly isn't, more's the pity. Annie Oakley is a legend, and I'd vote for her to replace your friend Radogno any day...
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    (IL) Father Pfleger is at it again in Chicago--Call list included!

    FALSE PROPHET LEADS HIS FLOCK TO GENOCIDE - HERE IS A CHANCE TO JAM IT TO THIS LIBERAL ANTI-GUN OWNER WHACKO “We will never eradicate the murder rate and culture of violence while guns continue to be accessible, gun laws are held hostage, and gun manufacturers are not held accountable!”...
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    Illinois CCW HB2567

    HB2567 has been entered and assigned to the House Agricultural Committee. That may sound odd, but check out the listing below of the pro-gun records of the members of this Democrat-dominated committee. Currently the bill has only two sponsors, Rep. Phelps and my own Rep, Gary Hannig, a Democrat...