Search results

  1. H

    Texas: pistols in automibiles

    I heard on the news this morning that as of September 1, for Texas residents, it will be legal to have a handgun in your automobile. Any of you fellow Texans know the particulars/details of this? Is this different than the current Texas CHL statutes? I travel to and from the local ranges with...
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    CZ75B: half cock purpose?

    I have had my CZ75B for some time now and I am quite pleased with it's performance. However I'm wondering what the funtion of the 'half-cock' is. At 'half cock,' the trigger has a lighter, longer pull before break over but the safety can not be engaged until the weapon is fully cocked. Is this a...
  3. H

    Cleaning: Fun or Chore?

    How many of you consider the cleaning of your weapon as part of your shooting experience? I enjoy cleaning my pistol/revolvers after a good shoot. What are your comments on this?
  4. H

    Taurus: Value vs Price/Performance

    I have a Model 66 4" .357 revolver and my fiance has a Millineum Pro PT111 9mm. We take these firearms to the range frequently and have had no problems/issues with either weapon. My fiance, T-Rex likes her 111 and I like my 66. We also have: S&W (V).38spl (T-Rex) Ruger 9mm P95C (T-Rex) Para...
  5. H

    Ft. Worth Gun Show

    Testosterone village on Saturday morning: shoulder to shoulder shopping. Much more laid back crowd on Sunday morning. Prices in general: high, but negotiable for most dealers, particularly on Sunday before church lets out. In Texas, God fearing folks buy firearms. Stong Homeland Defense...
  6. H

    Taurus Model 66 .357: range report

    First time out on the range with this (used) revolver. DA seemed smooth but a little stiff and shots at 30m were a little dissapointing. However in the SA mode, it was amazingly accurate. I had to get used to the grips. Rather paltry rubber factory grips but that can corrected. I like the way...
  7. H

    New Taurus .357 Model 66

    Got a good deal on this revolver. I prefer a S&W, but the price of the Taurus was about $125 below MSRP for this piece. It's intended use is a 'snake' gun/side arm I intend to carry at my place out in west Texas. This spring has brought out a bumper crop of copperheads and rattlers. I have...
  8. H

    Taurus Millineum Pro 9

    Any thoughts on the dissambley and cleaning of this pistol. Any problems with the return spring/guide jammed into the front of the upper receiver? What is with the plastic guide/recoil spring keeper? This is a sweet little pistol to shoot but a problem to dissamble and clean. Comments, ideas...
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    Fort Worth Gun Show

    My son and I went to the Fort Worth Gun Show this morning. Hand gun prices were higher than the last show (haggling notwithstanding). Accessories and ammo were generally in line with on line prices. Subtract shipping charges from on line purchases and there were some deals on accessories. Stuff...
  10. H

    .357 revolver justification?

    I have a whole locker full of semi-auto pistols. I do not, however have a large caliber revolver. The need for a bigger revolver surfaced this weekend when I encountered a large copperhead on my property in West Texas. I took it out with my little H&R .32 but it took all five rounds and I didn't...
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    .22LR Revolver

    Any one have a suggetion an a 9 shot .22LR Revolver. I'm thinking maybe a Taurus Model 94. My budget is $250.00.
  12. H

    .22LR Ciener Conversion for AR

    Has anyone bought one of these for their AR? If so, how easy is it to install? Does it funtion properly and would you recommend it to save .223 ammo?
  13. H

    AR15's and HR1022

    Does any one see a trend between the introduction of HB1022 and the sudden upsurge in the interest of AR 15'? Discuss: AR15 availability & prices going up. .223 ammunition prices going up. .223 FMJ (M193 etc.) becoming scarce and pricey. AR15 accessories becoming harder to find. Any...
  14. H

    Break-in loads for Colts HBAR15A3?

    What is a good break-in round for a new Colt HBAR15A3 with a 16" bbl? I am finding that quality .233 FMJ's are hard to find in my area (Fort Worth, Tex.) I'm not too sure about the quality military surplus stuff (shoots dirty as I remember from active duty days). I've been looking for...
  15. H

    AR15A3 Scope mounting question

    I have a Colt AR15 A3 HB with the removable handle/sight assy. I also have an almost new 3x9 Nikon rifle scope (taken from a rifle I no longer have). Primary use is a 'GP ranch' rifle that will be adequate for general varmit control i.e.:coyotes, small deer, feral goats/pigs. Can't afford more...
  16. H

    AR15A3: How good for varmits?

    I have property Young county, Texas and we have a coyote problem of sorts. They have apparently lost their fear of human presence and have accustomed themselves to dogs, cats, goats and garbage for prey. They are comming in close (150-200yds) at times all yipping and making lots of racket...
  17. H

    Need feeedback on Charles Daly

    Close friend bought a 9mm Charles Daley 1911. I'm having trouble finding 15 round mags for this pistol. Do they exist and where are they?
  18. H

    Cabela's house brand mags for CZ75B

    Heads up folks. I bought a "CZ75B" , Cabela's SKU #7437500145, hi-cap magazine today. Got it home and tried it out in my pistol. A definite NO-GO. The magazine will not insert correctly. The latch geomitry is wrong. The slide cannot be retracted with the mag inserted and the mag hangs out of...
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    New CZ75B

    Just bought a new CZ 75B. Lot's of research and lot's of looking. Value vs. Price was the key. It is an excellent piece. Very robust. Easy dissambley for cleaning and parts available. Any feedback on this weapon would be appreciated. I have had a CZ83 .380 for some time now. It is a fine...
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    Para-Ord Tac-Four Mags

    I discovered this forum recently and I need some assistance. It appears to be a fine source for information. Do any of you shooters have an on-line source for Para-Ord magazines that will fit this pistol? I have checked gun shows and some internet sites, but no luck. Comments, ideas, suggestions...