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  1. G

    Point shooting

    What should you expect to be your maximum acceptably accurate range when point shooting? Just wondering how to set up a practice session for this? Any other POINTers out there? Sorry, couldn't resist that...:p
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    What does blueprinting or accurizing do to a rifle?
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    Why and when would you pull the trigger?

    A quote in another thread got me thinking. It was: While I am a huge proponent of every scenario being different and a judgement call, engage brain, etc., this got me wondering about the "general" reason you would consider using lethal force. A lot of folks say they are unwilling to use it...
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    7.62 X 39mm question

    Is the 7.62 X 39mm cartridge good, bad, so so, excellent or what? I'm rather a novice to shooting in general and just got to wondering about why it was so popular in the AK-47 arena but no U.S. designed rifles were made to use it? It seems like it would have been a pretty decent compromise for...
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    .45 APC Reliable?

    First of all, please forgive me for any perceived insult to the beloved .45 community. :p I go to the range fairly regularly. I've only owned 2 9mm pistols and have enjoyed them both immensely. In my short time in "the gun culture" I quickly learned that reliability was a very good thing...
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    Using more than one kind of bullet

    Has anyone considered using a staggered bullet order in their mags? Is this a good or bad idea? My thought was to have the first three rounds be HP, and then start a stagger with ball. My reasoning was this. Most likely, most scenarios would be over with the first few shots and would be best...
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    Pocket Carry Practice?

    I have noticed many folks on here that advocate carrying a pocket gun for CCW. I don't know if all these types of guns are referred to as 'mouse' guns or not but I'd have to assume they are pretty small. My question is this: If you use a pocket carry gun as your primary CCW, do you also...
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    Best way to grip a pistol?

    I've read a bit, seen a bit and practiced at bit with various grip styles but haven't come to a good conclusion as to what the best way to grip my pistol is. How do you do it and why?
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    Assessing A Situation

    This video has inspired much debate here in recent days. There seems to be a common thread of 'Think About It', vs. 'Charge Right In There' going on. For those of you who are trained in it, or who have done it: How long does it take to assess a situation like that and determine your course...
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    Vet beating - What would a LEO have done?

    Given the recent threads about "What would you have done" on the vet beating vid clip, I'd really like to know what an on duty LEO would have or should have done had they witnessed the incident. I figure I can get as far as "call for backup", thanks. How would you (or would you even attempt...
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    M6 Bayonet for my M1A

    I am looking for an M6 Bayonet for my new M1A. I'd prefer a new USGI one and have seen a few places that claim to sell them advertising for $35 to $45. How could you tell if one of these is genuine USGI and not a copy? Not that I'd mind terribly having a copy but I'd sure want to know if I...
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    Effects of Practice?

    If you were to practice shooting a .22 rifle, would that improve your skill with any other rifle? Or, to get good with a particular rifle, must you practice with it most of the time?
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    Tennis elbow from recoil.

    I have had a problem for about 20 years with tennis elbow in my right (strong) arm. It only manifests itself when I overdo things. I have been shooting regularly since last November and can put hundreds of rounds through my 9mm guns without issue. I have been to the range with friends that...
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    Anti gunner funnies

    Being somewhat new to active participation in the gun world, I recently stumbled across an anti-gun sight that caught my attention. I really do like to hear all sides of a view point or argument and believe that it's a must in order to form your own ideas about things rather than just riding...
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    This just in... Gunman fired over 170 shots

    Good god, that's 10 reloads for the Glock (had he used only the Glock, I know he didn't) PRE BAN. Assuming he had to fire the .22 and possibly deal with other magazines AND had no training, it appears that he was not rushed!?!?
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    Define Conservative

    I hear this word used and abused on these forums a lot. I would be curious as to ya'll's various views on exactly what constitutes a "Conservative". I suppose this would or should be confined more to the political meaning since wild tangents would result (and probably will anyway) otherwise...
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    Is a background check or license to purchase unconstitutional?

    A one liner in another thread got me wondering about this. So here's the amendment. Is it unconstitutional? The only way I can see it would be under the "shall not be infringed" part. I guess I am wondering if there is some way you could get away with saying acquiring said arms would not...
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    7.62 the same as .308?

    Noobish question here. After doing my due diligence on 5.56 vs. .223 it made me wonder about 7.62 Nato. Is it, or is it not, the same as .308 Winchester? Anyone have a link if they have this info?
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    A "just curious" general rifle break in question

    I have been reading a lot lately about how how to "break in" a rifle, or any firearm for that matter. While many of the opinions vary quite a bit, everyone seems to agree that after about 200 rounds, your firearm should be "broken in". My question is, if you have a hunting rifle that might...
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    AR-15 Questions

    I am thinking VERY seriously about buying an AR primarily for defense and as a good SHTF weapon. I have been doing research both here and at and have learned a lot already (though I need to know much more). I have a few questions for you guys regarding AR's. So here goes: 1. I am...