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  1. S

    The Conservative Movement: From Failure to Threat

    The following sad-but-true commentary is from Bold emphasis is mine. For those unfamiliar with the author, click here. His columns are uniformly excellent, and Americans would be very wise...
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    Saiga .308 spare parts?

    Hey guys, I'm currently considering getting a Saiga in .308 (probably a conversion of some kind). A sticking point for me is spare parts. I don't want to spend $1000+ on a rifle and then not be able to replace the firing pin if it breaks! Those of you who own a Saiga, especially in .308: where...
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    "I bet I could say you resisted arrest or something..."

    Whatever methods are being used to prevent power-hungry psychopaths from getting badges obviously aren't working. Take a look at these two gems: Why do these disgusting thugs do...
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    Political quiz

    This is kind of an interesting quiz: It's short but seems accurate and gives you separate scores in different categories as well as a composite label. Here are my results: Progressive/Conservative Score: 6 - Social Moderate Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist Score...
  5. S

    About those "sophisticated" bombs supposedly coming from Iran

    We've heard the media uncritically regurgitate a lot of the claims made by the White House and Pentagon about "highly sophisticated explosively-formed penetrators" (EFPs) being sent from Iran to Iraqi insurgents. The implication is that these devices are so sophisticated that the Iraqi...