Search results

  1. I

    An ode (of sorts) to my father... and a piece of history

    A bit off topic, but I hope the mods will let it fly as I suspect it will interest a few folks around here..... As a teenager, I was digging around in my parent's garage and I came across a rather curious photograph. I was looking at it trying to figure out what it was when my father walked...
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    Overcoming mental aversion

    I've been shooting all my life. I don't remember a time in my life when I wasn't a shooter. I know that by age 5 I was well versed on the operation of a lever action .22 LR. I couldn't even shoulder it properly, but I could shoot it. I purchased my first gun (well, Dad did it with money I'd...
  3. I

    Is your favorite gun visible from space?

    Mine is. Occasional poster here. What you see below is a transonic impact gun I designed, supervised construction of, and now operate. It's not a firearm in the traditional sense (it's really nothing more than a VERY large potato gun), but I figured folks here would enjoy it regardless. In any...
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    I guess it's time to clean it...

    Yeah, I just thought I'd pop in to horrify some of you. I live in a rather arid environment. Over the years, I have realized that the whole "clean the gun to prevent rust" thing is way overblown for us desert dwellers. As a result... Well, I generally don't clean/oil a gun until it starts to...
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    Pressure/Time trace for a large gun?

    Yeah, it's a bit of a long shot (OK, a reeaaaallly long shot) but it never hurts to ask.... Does anybody here have a chamber pressure vs. time plot for something like a 105 mm Howizter (or anything in that league)?
  6. I

    My latest build... Finally, for your consumption

    I know I don't come around here very often, but I thought ya'll might like an update on a project I discussed a while back. Enjoy.
  7. I

    What is it with the NRA?

    So I'm a long time gun owner and I finally decided that I should join the NRA. I sent them my check and requested the American Rifleman.. That was something like 6 months ago. I have yet to receive an issue of the AR but now a fair percentage of the mail I receive is junk mail from them...
  8. I

    A little video I threw together...

    True, not a firearm. Rather, a spud gun at 550 ft lbs muzzle energy (golf ball at 600 fps). Not bad for a spud gun, but nothing spectacular. Still, I think ya'll will like the video due to the photography. youtube link
  9. I

    I'm not sure if this counts as handloading or not....

    ...But I figured ya'll might get a chuckle out of it. Some of ya'll may be aware that I get to play with some decidely off-beat guns. Below you will find pics of my latest creation. It's not been fired yet, but it will (hopefully) be fired soon. So *** is it? It is quite simply the world's...
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    Alternatives to a Bridgeman cup

    So I'm playing around with some gun designs and I'm looking at a projectile that is a steel right cylinder. The problem with such a cylinder is getting it to seal in the barrel. You could, of course, use a Bridgeman cup, but I can't do that as I am required to use a right cylinder. Sabot? I...
  11. I

    What cartridge is this?

    Backstory: At my office we have a division devoted to guns. One of the graybeards (since retired) had an inert cartridge sitting on his desk. I'd never seen anything like it before so I asked him about it. He said that the cartridge had been in his desk when he got it and that's all he knew...
  12. I

    Just a fun pic that ya'll should appreciate

    I assure you this is NOT a photoshop. I loaded the load myself and took the pics myself. Admittedly, there's more there than meets the eye, but it's a fun pic regardless. PS: Don't try this at home. It was done as part of a laboratory experiment under tightly controlled conditions.
  13. I

    IMR4064 Burn Rate Data

    Hello, folks: I'm looking for burn rate data on IMR4064. I'm not talking about "this powder burns faster than that powder." I'm talking about the actual numbers. I'm talking about a table of "X inches per second at Y psi" for a variety of pressures. Heck, as long as I'm asking, even better...
  14. I

    Apples to apples ballistics....

    I appologize if this one's been covered before but searching for ballistics kinda results in an avalanch of data. What I'm looking for: Ballistic data for various small calibers. Of particular interest would be .22 LR, .22 Mag, and .32 ACP. The problem is that ballistic data is varies...