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  1. S

    The U.S. Army on civilians with flintlocks.....

    Just finished a book by James A. Huston, and published by the Office of the Chief of Military History, United States Army as part of the Army Historical Series. The title was "The Sinews of War: Army Logistics 1777-1953." No ISBN given, but the Library of Congress Catalog Card Number is...
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    Bowl Games got me thinking.

    As I watched the Sanford Independence Bowl, and thought about the Weiser Lock Copper Bowl, Tostito's Fiesta Bowl, and then considered the Blockbuster Bowl, and the Bowl, a thought passed through my demented little mind: How about the Winchester Independence Bowl? The...
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    Need help in Houston

    Last night, Wednesday, August ninth, KRIV Fox 26 ran a little story on the nightly news about how CHL holders are committing all sorts of felonies including rape and murder, to the tune of 3300 arrests. They had some CPV moron on the air making this assault on the Second. It looked like the...
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    Gore announces running mate

    Presidential Candidate Al Gore announced today that his VP candidate will be a gentleman known only as "Geppeto." Apparently, what Geppeto brings to the ticket is that if Gore wins the election, Geppeto will "make him into a real boy." Geppeto's acceptance speech makes frequent comparisons...
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    Campaign for Nader!

    For Heaven's sake, don't vote for Nader, of course, but when you've got one of those leftist nuts who absolutely refuses to vote for the good (or nearly good) guys, point out that if they had any integrity and really cared about the environment, they'd vote for the Green Party's nominee: Nader...
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    Garand work in South Carolina?

    Hello, all. A few years ago, my Dad sent a Garand to a place in, he is certain, South Carolina to have it worked on. The only original piece they sent him back was the receiver, but this rifle is _beautiful_ and shoots better than anybody who's ever picked it up. He wants another and...