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  1. C

    Michigan SAS Story (a good one, too) FRANKENMUTH -- The school nurse, with pictures of her grandsons pinned to her jacket below another pin that said "hockey grandma," leveled the .38 Smith & Wesson revolver, paused and fired. Then she smiled. "Hey, that's pretty good for my...
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    MMM: It's Raining Bullets

    I have to think they're running out of steam now. The top story on their website, is falling New Year's Eve bullets. Apparently, bullets are now flinging themselves into the sky and falling on unsuspecting passersby. Please be careful out there next week. :)...
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    Truck Stop 2000 THE RIGHT TO HAVE THEIR VOTES COUNT, AND THE CONSTITUTION MEANING WHAT IT SAID. Setting a date of December 18th, 2000 for massive civil disobedience can only work when those daring to see the vision, daring to participate will agree. A good name that...
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    Does anyone have links telling how many kids a day are killed by abusive parents? Illness? Also, how many of the "13 (or 15 or 12 or whatever the number is today) kids killed by guns each day" are either shot by rival gang members or police? Thanks
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    Gore caught taking bribe?

    Breaking news on Drudge, but no story yet. I'm torn between not wanting to get my hopes up and doing the happy dance. :)
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    Labor Day MMM Rally

    I'll give it one more shot, although response was small last time. I know it's short notice and many people already have plans but: The MMM are planning on walking the Mackinaw Bridge, between the two pennisulas of Michigan on Labor Day. The five mile walk is an annual event in Michigan and...
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    H.R 4717, Backdoor Registration, Vote Tomorrow The House is expected to begin debating H.R 4717, the Archer-Houghton "Full and Fair Political Activity Disclosure Act of 2000" -- a bill that turns out to be neither full nor fair. H.R. 4717 would force affected organizations (like GOA) to release many...
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    Sen. Craig speech. A good guy! Mr. President, I appear on the floor to speak about a provision of the Constitution of our country that has been under nearly constant attack for 8 years. In fact, we heard on the floor this morning two Senators speak about provisions in law that...
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    Beyond the 2nd Amendment

    This has been mentioned on the board, but didn't seem to get much attention. Please, read and follow up with letters, emails, phone calls, whatever. From the looks of things, it WILL pass. The United States Congress is on the verge of passing a Republican sponsored bill that would eradicate...
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    More stupidity Her name is Allison Reed. She's a student at the University of Arkansas. Allison got married last weekend. She and her husband boarded an airplane at the Little Rock airport. They were on their way to a honeymoon in Cancun, Mexico. Allison borrowed a...
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    Roll call.

    Ok..marches are next week. Who is going? And where? DC here.
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    Yet another Yahoo gun poll. Q. Colorado Governor Bill Owens pledged his support for criminal background checks for all weapons purchases at gun shows. Would you support such a law for your state?
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    Law Enforcement Group Launches Drive to Fire Reno snip: ( - The Law Enforcement Alliance of America, a Washington-based group of over 65,000 members that calls itself a "nonprofit, nonpartisan coalition of law enforcement professionals, crime victims and concerned citizens united for justice,"...
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    What have you done for freedom today?

    This is not meant as a slam at anyone. Hopefully, we all do what we can. Maybe more along the lines of getting you thinking about what you have done vs. what you could do. If we are going to win these battles, it's going to take all of us. The other side is loud, we have to be louder.
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    Worst School Masacre in America

    Just some food for thought. Can you name it? Bonus points for the year.
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    Happy Patriots Day

    I haven't heard it mentioned at all today.
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    Discount fares

    The Million Mom's March has been kind enough to arrange air fare discounts with several airlines and post their discount codes on their website. Says from 5 to 15 percent off lowest published fares. Might be worth checking into. Awfully nice of them, huh...
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    1800's test

    A while back, someone posted a test from the 1800's, I can't remember if it was 8th grade, or graduation or ? If you know where I can find it, could you please post the URL? Thanks a bunch
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    Hey, now I've got a feminist problem!

    LOL. Think I should tell the girls over at ?? My new life membership certificate to the GOA arrived today. The very nice certificate declares me to be a Mr. I got a kick out of it, but I'm still going to write them to ask for a correction. Last I noticed, I wasn't Mr...
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    Rapid-fire bursts of light appearing on aerial infrared surveillance footage made by the FBI during the 1993 showdown at Waco were spectacularly recreated on Sunday, according to investigators, rapid-fire bursts recreated by flashes from gunfire!