Search results

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    EntirelyCrimson Deluxe DIY Bullet Collator Kit for $150

    Does anyone have experience with the EntirelyCrimson Deluxe DIY Bullet Feeder Kit? Wondering how good of a value this would be? Fly
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    Calling On All Nebraska Residents: End patchwork of gun laws in Nebraska

    PLEASE FORWARD THIS TO ALL NEBRASKA RESIDENCE GUN OWNERS IN YOUR ADDRESS BOOK Please take just a few seconds out of your day to sign the petition to pass LB289 and help end the patchwork of gun laws in Nebraska. Currently, an individual city or town can establish laws which are more...
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    My first hog hunt

    A friend with a hunting lease northwest of Ft. Worth, TX invited me to go hog hunting after my annual training in Dallas. This was not only my first hog hunt, but it was my first hunt of any kind. Since I have absolutely zero hunting equipment or firearms, he was gracious enough to provide...
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    Dimpling of plated bullets

    I posted this in another thread, but it apparently went unnoticed. I am posting it in a new thread because I would really like to hear what others think. I picked up some once fired 9mm brass at the range that was military surplus with crimped primers. I read that others were able to reload...
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    Off and running (ok...more like crawling) with my new Dillon XL650 Setup

    Spent the last seven days cleaning out the basement so I can set up my man cave/reloading room. I had already received all the press components except for the dies which were on backorder. The dies finally arrived yesterday, just in time for me to finish my cleaning and set up the reloader...
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    Stolen Handgun: Lincoln, Nebraska $500 Reward

    A fellow shooter in Nebraska had a very nice handgun stolen out of his car while it was parked in Lincoln. Please pass the word to keep an eye out for this gun so it can be returned to its rightful owner. Fly
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    GunsAmerica White House Petition

    Not sure if this has been posted, or if the petition will do any good, but GunsAmerica has a White House Petition trying to head off the gun grabbers in light of the recent tragic events. Vote if you like...
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    Experiences with Palmetto State Armory

    Background: I was commenting in another thread regarding the worst AR-15 manufacturers. In the thread, someone added Palmetto State Armory to the list. My one and only AR-15 is built using all parts bought from PSA (Complete upper and...
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    Opinions wanted on Plano Large Shooters Case 178100 The large case got a bad review, but that does not necessarily mean it is a bad case. Does anyone have any experience with the aforementioned...
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    EDITORIAL: Gun grabbers treat criminals as victims

    The Washington Times: EDITORIAL: Gun grabbers treat criminals as victims I thought this was a good article that helps disprove the anti-gun claims. Maybe, when we run into those who have been assimilated into the anti-gun train of thought, we can debunk what they think they know with some of...
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    New Acquisitions: Winchester Model 1887

    My father had a small collection of arms passed down from his grandfather and father. I told a friend about how my mother had promised them (in the will) to me, and he said "get them now". Apparently he had a relative snag some items that were promised him and now they can't be found. :(...
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    New Acquisition: Springfield Model 1873

    My father had a small collection of arms passed down from his grandfather and father. I told a friend about how my mother had promised them (in the will) to me, and he said "get them now". Apparently he had a relative snag some items that were promised him and now they can't be found. :(...
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    Wall Street Journal Poll RE Open Carry

    Wall Street Journal - Stores Land in Gun-Control Crossfire There is a poll on the WSJ webpage above regarding whether retailers should allow open carry. It seems that the larger retailers mentioned (Starbucks and Best Buy) don't want to set any policy contrary to the local laws. The vote on...
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    Swiss Vetterli Ammo

    I recently came into possession of a Swiss Vetterli rifle in 10.4x38 (.41) Swiss Rimfire. After searching the web, I can not find anyone selling such ammo. Even if I could find some old ammo, I don't think it would be worth buying from the stories I have heard about it not going "boom"...
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    E.J. Dionne Jr.: President must take aim and stand up to gun lobby

    Here is my letter to the editor for an editorial published in The Washington Post and The Omaha World Herald. I know it is too long to be published as a letter to the editor, but I just had to vent. What do you think? If anyone else would like to give these editors their two cents, please...
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    Attorney: Shot justified

    Lincoln Journal-Star This story surprises me for a couple of reasons. Lincoln, NE in general, and the Chief of Police specifically, are very liberal in their thinking on guns. I was shocked to see that there was not some charge brought against this young man. The first thing I thought they...
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    "Bullet Proof" vest doesn't live up to its name.

    I did a search, but couldn't determine if this video had already been posted so please accept my apology if it has already been discussed. Has anyone seen this video on youtube? Could this possibly be real? If it is a fake, it is a very well done fake. I don't know what to say. I'm just...
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    CNN pro 2A broadcast

    I was surfing youtube and found this video. It is a CNN broadcast by Lou Dobbs in favor of 2A rights. I was quite surprised to see this come from CNN. While I don't think you can trust much information coming from the boob tube, every once in a while you get some solid information from a...
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    Michael Moore farce video

    Just found this on youtube. I did a search, but didn't find that it was already posted on TFL. He presents a pro 2A argument in a pretty humorous manner, though he needs to keep his finger off the trigger. I like how he demonstrates Michael Moore's method of pushing his perspective through...
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    Airline Travel and locked gun cases

    I've got to eat some crow on this one. I have posted in the following threads regarding the proper procedures for traveling with firearms in locked cases. American Airlines Firearms Declaration Another handgun/airline question: Storage case? It was my contention that if the TSA did a random...