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    UK Plane Shot Down over Iraq?

    My friend told me that Iraq shot down a British plane yesterday in the no fly zone. I can't find an article about it anywhere. Is this true? Could someone post a link?
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    Origin of "Pray for peace; prepare for war."?

    Is this quote attributable to anyone?
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    What Does Pitting Actually Look Like?

    I have these weird black spots on my P7M8 magazines around the holes. I also have 2 small black specs on my cocking serrations that I can't seem to get rid of. Could someone post a pic of what light pitting looks like?
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    Question for TX CHL Holders

    If you draw and the assailant runs because he sees you draw, should you go ahead and report it to the police?
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    Question for Eezox Users

    I bought a quart of Eezox and tried to store it in one of those plastic tupperware containers by Rubbermade, but it warped the container. Do you guys know of any sealable containers that are big enough to hold a pistol that will be resistant to Eezox?
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    Electronic Hearing ?

    Since electronic mufflers use an opposing wave of equal magnitude to cancel out the incoming sound, wouldn't that cause damage to your ear even though you can't "hear" it?
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    UT Constitutional Law Professor Is Pro 2nd! It is no wonder UT is one of the top schools for constitutional law! :) I found out about this guy from reading a quote from an editorial review of That Every Man Be Armed. Here's his quote: Sanford V. Levinson, professor of law, University of...
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    Texas CHL ?

    If the DPS shoots your application back for address information and SSN, does the process start all over once I send it back? Do I have to wait another 60 days, or do I have to wait 180?
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    Question Regarding Repair Work for Pistol Owners that Are 18-20

    I took my roommate's SIG 228 to a gunsmith to change the hammerspring, but the gunsmith was not at the range I frequent. The gunshop worker said I could leave the gun, but I had to be 21 or else they couldn't give it back. Is this true or not? This does not make any sense; this is basically...
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    Why Do Glocks Hold 2 More Rounds Than Comparable Sized Pistols?

    I've always found it strange that Glocks hold 2 more rounds than other guns of comparable size. i.e. 17 rounds for the G17 as opposed to 15 for the USP, Beretta 92, SIG 226 Is it because of the grip angle? I've heard that the grip angle on a Glock is 107-110 degrees. This is the same as the...
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    Temperature Sensitivity of Meprolight Night Sights

    Since I rinse my gun under water after cleaning it in a Mpro 7 bath, I put my gun in the oven to dry it. I usually set the oven for 300 F and leave the gun in there for about 20 minutes. I have been told that this could break the sealant on my Meprolight tritium vials and cause my sights to...
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    How Do You Change the Hammer Spring in a SIG

    I have a 228, and I can't figure out how to change the hammer spring or mag spring. How do you take the magazine spring off the plate?
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    Kimber Eclipse

    Anyone seen one of these in person? The finish is sweet looking.
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    Interesting News for Armor Capabilities
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    I Hope This Is Wrong, But You Should Definitely Check This Out Regarding Flight #s

    The flight numbers that were hijacked are 11, 93, 175, and 77. 11 is yesterday's date, 9+3 =12 which is today's date, 1+7+5 =13 which is Thursday's date, and 7+7 = 14 which is Friday's date. I pray that this is only a freak coincidence.
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    Thin Brass/Bronze Brushes

    Where can I get a thin brass/bronze brush (not for bores)?
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    Question Regarding Purchase of Ammunition

    Is it considered illegal for a 21+ year old person to buy 9mm ammo for a 18-20 year old person? I understand that it is perfectly legal for a 18-20 year old to buy a pistol from a private individual. What if a 21+ year old person bought some 9mm defense ammo for a 18-20 year old, and the 18-20...
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    Anyone Know What Happened to

    This was an excellent site. I hope it's not permanently down. Anyone know what happened to it?
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    How Do You Pronounce Steyr?

    How do you pronounce Steyr? I've always pronounced it like the word "tire" except with the "st" sound. How do you pronounce Koch as in Heckler and Koch? I've seen that it's supposed to be pronounced like "coke", but then I saw a video clip of German TV that sounded like "cock".