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    Why can't government live within our means?

    Count Rangula By Cal Thomas excerpt I'll gladly CONSIDER paying more once I'm convinced of two things. There's a legitimate (non-entitlement) need and the pols have done all they can to reign in fraud, waste, and abuse.
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    Question for the possible Hillary supporters

    This is not a bash Hillary thread or she's coming to take "insert object here" away thread. I seriously want to know why someone would support her over the other candidates. What makes her better qualified or what skills and experience does she have or what makes her stand out among the others...
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    Huckabee on Glen Beck A good interview. Not looking for everyone to pick him or the interview apart. Just posted for anyone interested in watching.
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    Some Founding Father comments on immigration

    Thomas Jefferson: “Are there no inconveniences to be thrown into the scale against the advantage expected by a multiplication of numbers by the importation of foreigners?” “Suppose 20 millions of republican Americans thrown all of a sudden into France, what would be the condition of that...
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    Marine Poet

    RE: RE:,2933,293615,00.html
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    A surprisingly balanced account of Iraq,1518,499154,00.html A long read
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    Tax alternative

    RE: Friday - May 11, 2007 A FAIRTAX TALE .... I have a little scenario I would like to paint for those of you out there who just insist on finding something wrong with the FairTax. Admittedly, the FairTax isn't perfect. No tax plan is. How, after all, can you...
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    Axis of idiots