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  1. H

    As a constituent..who should I blame for this? I feel that my local PD have been given preferential treatment by their own. 7 years is way to long to simply explain away as "professional courtesy". I'm outraged... what is the most effective way to voice my discontent? Why are they only...
  2. H

    Adjudicated mentally guns for life?

    I know there is no recourse for those convicted of federal crimes that prohibit firearms ownership. There are no federal funds available... unless you get a presidental pardon, you are screwed for life. State crime... felonies or even domestic violence usually have some degree of recourse...
  3. H

    Ron Paul, anyone?
  4. H

    Newly C&R Eligible - CZ-82 I searched and didn't find a bunch. Is this worth it for 200 bucks? 1.76lbs = 28oz or so? I'm not going to carry this sucker I guess. Shoots 9x18 Mak ammo which is pretty cheap at 7 bucks or so for 50. Why would I choose...
  5. H

    2nd amendment personalize license plate suggestions!

    I got another car and since I have to pay out the rear to get it registered, I figured I might as well personalize it with my own little touch. Here are the stipulations. 1) Only letters, numbers, and spaces are allowed. The license plate manufacturing die for the letter ‘O’ and the number...
  6. H

    Why would one buy a SA revolver?

    I've been playing with the idea. I'm not talking an old school original Colt SA, more along the lines of a decent reproduction. Not necessarily a Colt either. Something under 400$. Why do people still buy these firearms? I don't mean any disrespect of course... but do they offer anything I...
  7. H

    Is "Zumbo'ed" now official pro-2a vernacular?

    I dunno if it's OK if I even post this. I've seen it twice on this board and about half a dozen other times on other boards I frequent. I think I even used it once without thinking. Zumbo'ed (Zum-bo-d) V. To put your foot in your mouth in regards to 2nd amendment issues. To split the...
  8. H

    Ruger customer service... da bomb!

    I'm sure it's beating a dead horse, but I feel obligated to at least give a shout out to Ruger. My Ruger broke, obviously. It is a MkIII target. I kinda blame myself for being a bit heavy handed with the loctite. It possibly broke itself, I'm not an armorer, I don't know. I shipped via...
  9. H

    Scope for an M38?

    Hey guys. Does anyone have a recommondation for a decent scope for an M38 Mosin Nagant, under 100$? The scope mount I have is along the lines of a scout-style as it replaces the rear sight aperature. I'm not sure if eye-relief will be a problem or not. I'm thinking of just buying a vanilla...
  10. H

    Any downside to using CLP/BREAKFREE as the end all be all oiling/lube option?

    Ok, I derive most of my firearm cleaning experience from the military, where CLP was/is the end-all be-all of firearm maintenance. Lately, I have run across a few people in LE and the military that I trust whom will not use CLP *breakfree* at all.... I use Breakfree on every single one of my...