Search results

  1. H

    Face to face interview with a government official ...

    ... so you can get a firearms permit in Canada.:eek: This is a new proposal put forth by our illustrious government. What the heck is that? I thought that's what instructors were for: a pre-screen to gaining a permit. After all, you have to complete a test before they even consider giving...
  2. H

    A 1911 70 series Colt - How much is too much?

    I have been interested in another 1911 Colt series 70. How much is too much for this gun? I found one for $1000.00 CDN. Is it too much and what should I look for so I don't get taken by a less than honest seller? HiltonFarmer
  3. H

    Physical quals for LEOs

    I have to ask a question that most people can identify with. Do LEOs have to qualify for physical fitness yearly or ...? The reason I ask is that I've noticed that our LEOs are getting more obese by the year. I'd hate to say that it's all those donuts but ... What is it then? Do they...
  4. H

    New shooting rest in my future

    Or would you suggest I stay with sand bags for my long range shooting? Do the forum memebers have a particular brand of shooting rest they're comfortable with or could recommend? HiltonFarmer
  5. H

    Time to buy a new big bore shooter

    It's that time of year that we'll be heading back into the bush for our usual hikes and rides and thought it prudent to pack a show stopper: a big bore shootin' iron. Basically for wildlife protection etc and allows me to not have to worry about stuff like that. Recently, a survey crew fell...
  6. H

    Clay pigeons - reactive training aid for pistols

    I searched for clay pigeons in a few areas but nothing that was specific so I thought this post would gain me some insight into an (more than likely not new to all of you but new to me) idea that I had. I'm trying to improve accuracy with my pistols from the draw and thought that clay birds...
  7. H

    Importing firearms and accessories into Canada

    Not sure if thi sis the right place for this question but if not, I'm sure the Mods will put it where it belongs. I have been wanting to purchase some items though suppliers in the US (sometimes the prices are so cheap) but always seem to have problems due to them not wanting to ship items to...
  8. H

    Prone position shooting with a handgun: useful or not?

    I attended a Black Badge course this weekend designed to help interested shooters get aclimated with IPSC. The course was really well done and I must say that I enjoyed it immensely. How could I not, I fired off about 500 rounds over the two days. We shot from varying positions of which...
  9. H

    Can I use 7.62x51mm ammunition in my .308 Savage?

    Has anyone done this or is it taboo? They're so close. HiltonFarmer
  10. H

    What do you pack in your range bag?

    When you're getting ready to go to the range and you're happily packing your range bag, what do you take with you? Extra gun? How many extra magazines? How much ammunition? Shooting glasses? Gun cleaning kit? Sunscreen? Too much stuff? Too little? Opinions please. Thanks HiltonFarmer
  11. H

    Progressive lenses a problem with sighting?

    I just got a new set of glasses and they are a real pain in the proverbial bum. When I have them on, I can't see the target and when I don't have them on I can't see the sights clearly. Damned if I do and damned if I don't. :eek: Has anyone experienced this problem and if so, what did you...
  12. H

    Best 9mm Luger load for paper shooting?

    I know there are several of those that reload solely for their handguns. :) Given my newness to the hobby of reloading, I was wondering if anyone had any good ideas for loads in my CZ75B 9mm. In your opinion, which bullet, primer, and powder makes for the best load to target shoot? Thanks...
  13. H

    Best Long Range Optics for least $$s?

    Ok all. I took the plunge and bought a Savage FVSS in .308. Thanks to all for convincing me this was the way to go for a new long range shooter. Now the quest for a long range scope at an economical cost is the project at hand. BTW Zak - I read part II (heck - I read all three) on the optics...
  14. H

    Muzzle brakes - do they reduce accuracy?

    In having seen another thread on appendages being attached to the end of a barrel and having them reduce accuracy: I had to ask myself being a neophyte, would a muzzle brake do the same thing? Reduce accuracy? The purpose of a muzzle brake is to deflect exiting gases and in so doing, reducing...
  15. H

    Best caliber for long range targets?

    I realize this topic has been touched on before but being a new shooter (I mean really new - just yesterday) I was wondering what the best caliber for shots 600 - 1000 yards? I have to admit that when my friend asked me to get in the prone position and pop off the target at 600 yards with a...
  16. H

    CZ75B versus SP01

    I just came back from the range and a friend offered to let me shoot his SP01. After I fired a few magazines through it, he offered to trade me for my 75B because he always wanted one. I had to think why but then again ... it gave me pause for thought. I found the handgun to be a bit...
  17. H

    Laser grips - are they all they're cut out to be?

    I have been interested in some optics for my XD40 and my local gun shop has been talking about laser grips as an alternative. I know of no one that has these on their handguns at the range I belong to although many do have optics on their accessory rails. Would anyone have any comments on...
  18. H

    Black Badge course - what to expect?

    Newbie to IPSC shooting and I will be taking the Black Badge program next month. Could anyone tell me what to expect during this 2 day training program? I was instructed to bring 4 or 5 mags and approx 3 - 400 cartridges. Seems like a lot for a two day event! If anyone could elaborate on the...
  19. H

    How many women own and shoot a SIG P226?

    I have been getting more and more involved in IPSC shooting and it seems my wife would like to join in on the fun. She's been looking at sidearms and she fancies the P226. Yes she has expensive tastes! Could any of you please offer some opinions as to what they like about the gun; recoil...
  20. H

    Browning HP SA SFS - Question re: premature unlocking

    I am interested in purchasing the Browning HP SFS but have heard some concerns about high pressure causing premature unlocking. The gun I am ineterested in is a 2004 model and given they were introduced a year earlier, I was wondering if any of you would think this to be a concern and what in...