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    44 Magnum vs 357 Magnum for hunting

    Hello, I'm considering trading my 44 Magnum for something a little more manageable like the 357. I'd like to know from those that have actually hunted both calibers the following: Is there a noticeable difference on game between the 44 and 357? I know the debate will rage on gun forums (just...
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    Big bore rifles: Obsolete fun guns? Or necessary tools?

    When practicality and logistics plays a role, history shows that people choose smaller and smaller cartridges. The 30-40 Krag was not only smaller, but used smokeless powder. The 223 allows you to carry more rounds than 30-06 or 7.62 NATO into combat. Heck, even the 45-70 was chosen because you...
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    Do you risk shooting the famous 44 Special "Keith" load?

    For 44 Special, I usually shoot a .44 lead LRN bullet at about 950fps or so from my 6.5" Taurus Raging Bull 44 Magnum. However, I've read a lot of lately about the world famous load that lead to the development of the 44 Magnum. I won't post the exact loading as I'm sure you already know what...
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    National Match vs Standard rifle?

    I'm looking to buy an M1A and an AR15 upper. Most of my shooting is done casually at a local range. But it would be nice to compete one of these days when I'm not tied up with school/work. I know that the M1A and the AR line of rifles both have "standard" and "National Match" versions. How much...
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    Upgrades for Taurus Raging bull? Suggestions, please.

    Hello, I have had the 44 Magnum version of this revolver for a year now and I love it. It's very comfortable to shoot and can hold it's own at 50yards easily. I'm interested in seeing what options I have to customize this revolver. I know 1911s and Smiths are the gold standard for custom...
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    Anyone familiar with these steel targets?

    I'm on the verge of ordering this model of steel target. But the problem is I don't know exactly how they measure these targets. Here is the link: it's the second one down from the top, the "Economy Pepper Popper" targets. They have a 28" and a 42"...
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    What is acceptable accuracy for a 1911 GI pistol?

    Last month I finally took home my Springfield GI pistol. A handgun that I've coveted for years. The look on my father's face when he opened the gun case was priceless (He was an old Army officer). I love everything about the pistol. Well, except for the Made in Brazil-Imbel roll stamp. They...
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    Lighter springs for a Bersa 380?

    Teaching some old hens how to shoot. They are actually pretty good shots and they are already familiar with how to work the weapon after one lesson. But they have trouble racking the slide. Are there any lighter replacements springs that I can use that won't compromise the pistol's reliability?
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    Does the M1 Garand gas system need to be cleaned?

    Just want to make sure; I own a CMP M1 Garand but I rarely take it shooting (thats about to change when I get my first case of surplus ammo:)).
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    Absolute beginner to deer hunting. Help us out?

    Just when I thought I had the old man all figured out. My father recently expressed an interest in hunting. As you can see the big problem is we have no experience and we wanted to know what resources we could utilize so that when we eventually make it out there we can make a clean kill. My dad...
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    1903 gurus, help! Tough bolt on an '03!

    If any of you Springfield '03 masters are out there, I need your help! I bought my CMP '03 about a year and a half ago. Ever since I've owned it, I've noticed that it has a very stiff bolt action. And I don't mean sticky like if a casing gets stuck in the chamber. I mean turning the bolt...
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    Shooting characteristics: M91/30 vs M44?

    I'm looking to pick up a local Big 5 special mosin tomorrow and I just wanted to know some of the differenced between the two models. I know from reading these forums that while the M44 is more handy, you also get much more felt recoil and muzzle blast. But as far as performance is concerned...
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    The stillbirth of bottlenecked pistol cartridges.

    I read another thread about this elsewhere on these boards last night. This post is not a question regarding the viability of the modern popular automatic pistol cartridge. The 9mm, 45 Auto, 45 SW, and others have indeed proven their reliability and usefulness in a handgun. There is no doubt in...
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    45 Colt and 44 Magnum compared? (4" v 6")

    I've seen people on these forums say that the extra 2" can mean a 20% increase in power for a 44 Magnum. But with a 45 Colt, the difference in barrel length is negligible. But I want to find out for sure, so who can help me answer the following questions? When using a full power 44 Magnum load...
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    Damned anti recruiting movement

    Maybe it's because I'm in a bad mood today, but I am so damned sick and tired of these high school students coming on TV acting like military recruiters are no better than sexual predators. I'm watching something on mun2 where these kids are complaining that military recruiters are "targeting"...
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    The M4 slowly replacing the M16?

    Over the years, there has been a slow yet apparent transition from the M16A2 and A4 rifle to the M4 Carbine. Is this simply a tactic that increases soldier versatility in the modern conflict, ie riding around in convoys and breaking down doors? Or is it a sign of the times that the conventional...
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    Whats better for a Squad Designated Marksman? Assault rifle or Battle rifle?

    The name of the title says it all. It seems that the original intent of the M16 was to be able to fill every role of the infantryman sans a squad automatic weapon. Now with the recent WOT, we see a concerted effort to return "Squad Designated Marksmen" to accurately hit targets in between the M4...
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    Best AR15 upper?

    I own a Model 1 Sales upper. Now before you all :barf:, let me just say I only got it because it was the only upper I could find in 7.62x39. But I'm starting to think that sacrificing reliability/performance just so I can shoot with a novelty cartridge (for the platform) isn't such a good idea...
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    When will you ever upgrade from a 1911? When hell freezes over, for me.

    Yes, I do admit, I am a 45-mafia member. I truly believe that while there are other weapons out that that on paper make the M1911A1 obsolete, I still would choose it over any other pistol if I had only one choice. Advanced polymers, new calibers, higher capacity magazines, neat-o gizmos and...
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    185 gr vs 230 45ACP?

    The 230, especially the hydrashok is a very effective load. No less than the FBI itself says so after years of emperical data. Though I can't stop to wonder if the extra weight of the 230 over the 185 really that important? When we stop to think about another popular self defense caliber, the...