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  1. B

    My old Model 10-5 snub

    Had this one out this morning, so I thought I'd take a picture. The bird's eye maple grips are by Don Collins.
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    Shooting Ranges Under Threat?

    As the population grows and as suburban sprawl creeps out into rural areas, in many states long-standing shooting ranges are facing new challenges--and there are no doubt more challenges to come. Here's a link to a article about this issue in the New Jersey/New York region, "Uneasy Mix: Suburbs...
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    S&W's new M40-1--why no lock?

    Someone in a discussion about the new S&W lemon-squeezer (over on the S&W forum; link below) has speculated that the reason the new M40 has no lock is that the internal lock is functionally incompatible with the grip safety. Does anybody here have the scoop on this issue...
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    On Hit Rates in Police Shootings

    Excerpt from an interesting piece in today's New York Times.
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    Long-range Handgunning

    Came across an entertaining piece of writing by Skeeter Skelton: . . . Wherein (by the way) he says, "Before the turn of this century, a thoughtful gent named E.E. Patridge devised a type of handgun sight that, fortunately for serious...
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    Which 22: S&W 41 (used) or Buckmark Target (new)?

    I'm almost ready to purchase my first autoloader, but I'm torn between two guns. All the online research I've done over the past week or two suggests I can't really go wrong either way. But that's a problem, since I can only afford one gun (for now). I simply want to practice with the gun to...