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  1. I

    Quality of AR components by manufacturer

    I have been getting a hankering to assemble an AR. I started looking at LPKs, lowers, uppers, and stocks, and found a wide range of prices and opinions on the quality of the various manufacturers selections. Is there an authoritative source for who makes good parts versus not such good parts...
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    Armi San Marco .44 cal. cap & ball (Modeled after Colt 1860 Army)

    I suspect the answers I will get from the purists will be to pass, but I am interested in getting into some BP shooting and have an opportunity to acquire the aformentioned firearm for $125. I am told it has been fired, but only a few times. Any thoughts? I seem to recall that the manufacturer...
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    Guess who filed an amicus brief favorable to the 2A being incorporated?

    A quote from the brief to help you. Perhaps a hint. The AG in question once dated Linda Rondstadt.
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    Some good news from Illinois

    Not exactly earth shaking news, but good none the less. Last night the Kane County board became the 91st of 102 counties in Illinois to sign off on a pro-2A resolution. While it has no practical legal ramifications, it does show the level of support the RTKBA has in illinois outside of King...
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    Illinois NRA members - NRA/ILA may need your input

    I don't want to try and summarize the issue here because it is well handled elsewhere so I will just post a link. The gist of it is that a LTC bill that actually has a slight chance of passing, was opposed by the NRA/ILA. Apparently they are now no longer opposed to it but are not in favor...
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    Anyone know anything at all about these people? I ran across them the other day some how and thought it was a neat idea, but never heard of them before. Anyone can put up a website. I asked about them the other day on another forum and no one had heard of them.
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    anti gun brief in chicago case

    their legal theory seems to be that handguns are not the most commonly used firearm for self defesne, and the long gun best suited for SD (the AR) can be regulated out of existence. It says 7 states have AW bans. I could only think of 4. MA, CA, NY, HI. Great quote from the brief. It would...
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    Incorporation Thread - Nordyke is out!!
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    A gun dealer I shoot with told me last night he sold off the last of 6 saiga 12 gauge shotguns he got in a week ago. $700 each. 12 round mags he has for $60 each.
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    is there some way to prevent some forums from showing up when clicking on new posts? i don't really want to read posts i can't respond to.
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    Bullseye league Rockford, IL

    I thought there might be a few people interested in shooting in a bullseye league. The league I shoot in (and am league secretary of) shoots on Tuesday nights from October through the first week of April. All NRA members are welcome. We shoot on the 12 point, 50 foot...