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  1. M

    Bushmaster caves?

    I just caught the end of a newscast on CBS indicating the manufacturer of the firearm used by the DC 'snipers' is settling with the victims. I hope I was having a nightmare. Anyone lese hear this? I could be missing a few details. (edited to add text from the Bushmaster site:) Press Release...
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    Unorganized Militia same as FFL?

    I was checking out an online gun dealer, Gideon Guns, in MD and under their ordering info for firearms they have a form that they claim can me used in lieu of a FFL for shipping purposes. I assume it's real, since some forum members have bought...
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    semiauto 'assault' weapon ban in MD

    >>>>>>>>>>> <> Baltimore's NEWS - TALK- SPORTS Station KKT Wants More State Power Over Assault Weapons Sales October 29, 2002 WBAL Radio, The Associated Press Democratic candidate for governor Kathleen Kennedy Townsend will propose giving...
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    Townsend Weighs Plan To Expand Gun Data - metro section (you need to sign in to read articles) Townsend Weighs Plan To Expand Gun Data Sniper Attacks Push Rifle Issue to Forefront By Lori Montgomery Washington Post Staff Writer Saturday, October 12, 2002; Page B01 Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend is...
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    We need IMF protestors

    I do not agree with their ideas (or with the IMF), but I certainly respect their right to protest and to free speech - without destruction of property. The last big pro-gun event I attended was the SAS counter to the 200K Mom March in 2000. SAS had between 2,000 and 5,000 people and little...
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    MD residents (or anyone else) Help this one

    Carnen Amedori is one of the staunchest gun-rights supporters in MD, a rare breed. Help her out if you can.
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    MD - Shriver - One issue platform

    My wife is a democrat (don't hold that against her), but doesn't always vote democratic. Today she received Mark (Kennedy) Shriver's campaign ad. One issue - guns and the NRA are BAD!!! He will fight for licensing of ALL gun owners in addition to some other B.S. - common sense gun control laws...
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    Guns and Violence Guns and violence Paul Craig Roberts Blaming violence on guns and fanning hysteria over accidental deaths to children from firearms are staples of antigun propaganda. Media help gun-control zealots spread false information that...
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    Paintball range and trajectory - million to one?

    Saturday afternoon, sitting on the deck between chores. Hear sounds like someone chopping at a tree. Hear a 'thunk' on the house. There's a paintball splat 10 feet from my head. The neighborhood is on 1/3 to 1/2 acre lots. Our backyard has about a 15 foot hill with a 6 foot privacy fence on...
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    Armed self defense message board Some interesting stories there. Some have appeared on TFL also.
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    Time is running out (MD)

    Went to look at new guns this weekend. Had my eye on a SIG Trailside and my favorite gun shop had one. As some of you may know, MD instituted a bunch of new gun laws in 2000. One of these was keeping a ballistic record of each shell casing for any new handgun shipped into the state after...
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    Firing range History

    Tonight on the History channel at 10:00 eastern.
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    How do you judge/categorize a person

    For me it's: 1. Sense of humor - Need to be able to laugh at their self 2. Basic intelligence - doesn't need a college degree, but has common sense. 3. Owng a gun is OK, even if they choose not to do so. To me, race, religion, and other criteria are irrelevant.
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    Felons can vote - misdemeanor takes your guns • April 9, 2002 Thank Mike and Casper To get an idea of the bizarre approach on crime taken by the Democratic political bosses in Annapolis, all one needs to do is look at the General Assembly's handling of several...
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    AR15 20 rd mags

    I'm looking for some of the above. The only ones I can find are ~$40. All of my usual suppliers seem to be out - CDNN, clips n stuff and most others. Anyone have any leads? not USA mags.
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    Should .50 caliber rifles be banned? Give them your thoughts.
  17. M

    They're still trying - MD Curran nudged on gun rights By Margie Hyslop THE WASHINGTON TIMES ANNAPOLIS — State lawmakers have met with Maryland Attorney General J. Joseph Curran Jr. to devise a way to protect the gun-owning rights of thousands of residents...
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    Have some legislators (MD) become more intelligent? Legislators up in arms about gun policy By Margie Hyslop THE WASHINGTON TIMES ANNAPOLIS — Maryland House and Senate leaders want to stop a Maryland State Police crackdown on gun owners convicted of minor and, in some cases...
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    MD - Proposed gun License Washington Post Staff Writer Monday, January 28, 2002; Page B01 Maryland Sen. Christopher Van Hollen Jr. last week proposed costly gun control legislation that made many mainstream politicians cringe. Today, he will announce a plan...
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    Jeep Petition Online

    If you read the other thread on the anti-hunting Jeep ad - here's your chance to express yourself.