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  1. P

    August FTX.

    Well, we are all back from the August FTX. There were 10 of us in all including some visitors from out of state. Myself, Impact, Tire Iron, Lugnut, Correia, Riz, Strat, Different and his wife, and Penguin. All in all the initial feedback was positive on the weekend. There were several learning...
  2. P

    Gear page updated!

    I have gotten my gear back from HSG and updated the page. I know two of the pics wont show and I am working on that. As soon as SOE gets off their butts and makes my mag dump pouch(like they dont have anything else going on....) and Lightfighter gets the other items in stock, I will be updating...
  3. P

    July and August shoots...

    Some FALfiles guys are going to the bowl to shoot on the 13th, but lets get a big shoot together for the 27th. It looks like our only chance for a big one this year. We have found a new and easy way up the hill, and a new spot to set up that is really nice. Then we have the 2/3 day FTX in...
  4. P

    WANTED! A really slick lawyer and a pro-gun politician....

    We need to get a really slick lawyer to write up, and a pro-gun legislator to propose a law repealing the ban on registering F/A's. After all it is a revenue generating tax, so lets correct the flaw in the NFA. We can still make and register DD's, SBR's, AOW's, and other items, but the biggest...
  5. P

    How many hunting rifles could this vauge wording affect?

    HR 3751 IH 107th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 3751 To prohibit the importation of dangerous firearms that have been modified to avoid the ban on semiautomatic assault weapons. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 13, 2002 Mr. NADLER introduced the following bill; which was referred to...
  6. P

    Here is the Princess! Alive and well, growing like a weed and eating like a horse! As here investment firearm, we decided on getting her either an M1A, or a Ferret 50BMG depending on the finances this fall. Mom thought the 45cal MP-5 was just...
  7. P

    Another warrior princess!

    Tristyn Amy was born at 1105 yesterday morning. Both mom and baby are both doing great! She weighed in at 6lbs 13oz, and 20". Labor went just over 14 hours. Just to let you all know the good news and that I will be away for the next few days. That said, I do need some advise. When Rylee was...
  8. P

    My first shooting competition.

    As some of you know, I have been pretty sick lately. Sick enough to cancel the FTX. At the last minute on Friday, I had my 1st line leader call me and ask if I was feeling up to shooting in a competition this weekend. I felt pretty good so I figured what the heck. I am glad I packed warm...
  9. P

    Utah April 26th FTX/shoot.

    Yep, it's off. This is getting worse. I hope more people can make it out to the one in August, there is plenty of time to plan for it. At the request of many we will be doing a three day FTX, but people are free to come out the first night and head in on Saturday afternoon. Here is what we have...
  10. P

    26th FTX may be off.

    I just came back from the docs and he said I have a serious case of strep. So bad they are going to try to take them out on Monday, if the infection is down enough. At my age he said if I was back to 100% in a week, I would be very lucky. Maybe they can just knock it down and we cans till do it...
  11. P

    Utah April 26/27th FTX head count.

    I am trying to get a head count of people coming to the FTX so we can set up the fireteams for small unit exercises. If you could email me, or post here if you are planning to attend I would appreciate it greatly. Also, if you can get with someone you know (or would like to finally meet) and...
  12. P

    I finally got my page done!

    Sorta. I have the camo pages done, but not sorted in alphabetical order. But there are a couple hundred uniforms there for you to check out. If you find a link that doesn't work, please write down which one and let me know. Now, if you have any pics of interesting mag pouches, LBV's or other...
  13. P

    Why haven't we tried this route before?

    I am reading the book by Sheriff Mack and in it he clearly outlines what the Constitution says abou the powers of Congress. Nowhere does it say anything about Congress having the power to pass laws concerning guns, of any kind. So why hasn't anyone sued over the Un-Constitutionallity of any and...
  14. P

    Training for Utah folks particularly.

    Some of us have talked about doing some corespondance type courses from actual military manuals and then getting together to do the practical app side of it at FTE's. Here is the place where you can down load and print (if you have lots of paper and ink). I have most of the good ones already...
  15. P

    Are you tired of this?

    Are you tired of wondering if your door will be the next one they kick down and home burned to the ground? Are you tired of seeing an incompetent agency decide the fate of so many law abiding citizens? Do you know if your records are correct in the NFA registry? Are you sure? If you ARE tired...
  16. P

    The perfect range!

    Larry's thread got me thinging. We have alot of experiance here so what would you say makes, or would make, the perfect range? Skip the, in my backyard, I can do what ever I want stuff. Thats a given. In a commercial situation, what do you think would make the perfect range set up for you. If...
  17. P

    Environmentalists kill four firefighters in WA.

    Firefighters struggling to contain a blaze in central Washington State that ultimately killed four of their own were hampered in their efforts by a federal policy to protect endangered fish, Fox News has learned. Firefighters were unable to douse the deadly fire in Okanogan National Forest in...
  18. P

    Saturdays event! (reminder)

    I am asking everyone that wants to do the patrol to meet at the base of the hill no later than 7am, I want to do this before it gets to hot. Everyone else, we hope to open the range at 9am so come on down and have some fun. We have a few new events planned for the shoot and it looks like there...
  19. P

    Florida man offers to buy house....

    for the family in Idaho that had their land stolen so that they can be together again. Those are part of the terms for Mrs. McGulkin (SP) to get her kids(the same kids that held the authorities at bay with guns, mandatory gun refference) Do we know anyone in Florida with a big heart and pocket...
  20. P

    Went scouting today

    I went on past the place we had the last shoot and found the place I think porter is talking about. Not a bad place for conducting patrol exercises or medium range shooting but for going out to the "butts" at the long range it is pretty over grown. I did however make it up there in the Civic...