Search results

  1. J

    Degree in Criminal Justice.

    Had an interview at ITT-Tech and I have narrowed it down to two career fields. Criminal Justice or IT/CNS with an emphisis on security. The pay looks better from IT, and with all the cyper warfare and professional hackers and such. Definatly a growing field with a big future. They said they...
  2. J

    Bacholor in Criminal Justice?

    This might be the wrong place to post but just have a question. I'm looking into the CJ field for a BA at ITT Tech. I am to meet with a counsoler at the school Friday. It's about the only field I can see that interests me. If I am interested and focused I can do about anything, but other...
  3. J

    Help on Re-blueing metal on Rifle (DIY or send to Pro)?

    I have a Ruger Mini-14 rifle, 1987 production date. Great shape and all, but needless to say, some of the blueing has rubbed off, and much of it looks, well, 21 years old. I'd like to make it look new again. Is this a job for anyone, or is it something that is just best sent to the pro's...
  4. J

    AR-10 vs. AR-15 Pros and Cons

    I have been wanting a AR rifle for a long time now. I am trying to decide which to get between the AR-10 and the AR-15. Basically, I am looking for a SHTF gun. What are the pro's and cons between the AR-10 and AR-15? I have a mini-14 and I have been trying to "AR" it with the AR Style...
  5. J

    Suggest a Safe

    I want a safe that I can put my guns in and other valuable items. Somethign that is fire resistant as well as very strong. I want something big and heavy that I will last a lifetime. Any brands that are really good or bad? What do you have or recomend? I also want ones with the option of...
  6. J

    Safe Locks

    I am thinking of buying a safe soon. What is the pro's and con's of the different types of locks, and which is best against someone trying to crack it.
  7. J

    Looking into an AR-15.

    I have a Ruger Mini-14 and I love it but I really like that AR-15, especially in M4 form. I like the tight compact solid feel of the small AR's. I have spent way too much on my Mini-14 trying to make it AR like, but for some reason, I'd have to say Ruger did it right for the gun that it is, I...
  8. J

    Legality of a "rapist trap".

    A good freind of mine recently got married to a very sweet, pretty girl that looks very innocent, looks like an easy target. Some days, tuesdays and thursdays she got off early and would come home alone. Every time, someoen would try the door locks usually just the side one. Each time, they...
  9. J

    NAA mini-revolver .22LR: Effective for Personal Defence?

    I have a NAA mini-revolver 22lr with the short barrell. Is this an effective weapon against an attacker or should I get some brass knuckles. I love the consealibility of it. I carry it all the time but nobody knows. I have pulled it out getting change and such but nobody knows what it is...
  10. J

    .450 SMC / .45 Super for Glock 21?

    I am wondering what I have to do to my Glock 21 to make it fire the super/smc load. I know I need a different recoil spring, which one do I need and where can I get one? Any help will be apreciated.