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    Is the CZ Rami considered reliable?

    I struck up a conversation today with a guy shooting one of these at the range today. After some talking he let me shoot his Rami while he shot my P99. Overall I liked the Rami quite a bit, decent (but not great) trigger and very nice ergonomics with a quality feel. Recoil was actually quite...
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    1911 fans what do you think of this article.

    Here is an article written by the well respected 1911 builder, Hilton Yam, that I think says a lot in the ongoing debate of 1911 vs. everything else. This is a very interesting quote to me because it says a lot in very few words. 1) It says that for...
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    Is this normal - issue with a new 226

    Well I just bought a new 226 and it shoots great. Unfortunately I'm seeing a little bit about why many claim that sig QC is hit or miss these days. Long story short the are some imperfections in the gun and before I get on the phone with sig's infamous CS I want to know insistent I should be...
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    Does Anything like this exist?

    The other day I was looking at a Sig 226 (my next gun most likely) when i guy told me that Sigs were cool because when you cocked the hammer it also chambered a round without you having to rack the slide. I responded that I'm pretty sure it wasn't a Sig he's thinking of as my 229 doesn't do...
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    SS guide rod for my sig: my thoughts

    I've never found the snappiness of the .40s&w round in the 229 to be a problem, but still the idea of adding a little more weight to the front intrigued me so while I was ordering other misc. parts I added a solid SS guide rod to my Top Gun shopping cart. After two range sessions with it, and...
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    Shooting left, with a twist.

    I know there are lots of "I shoot left what's wrong" threads out there but I think this one is just a bit different. Since I started shooting I've focused on improving my accuracy with mostly slow controlled shots, not worrying about controlling the recoil for fastest possible follow up. That...
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    Does anyone make slim SIG grips?

    If I could change one thing about my Sig-229 it'd be that the grips are slightly thicker then ideal for me and the shape of the grip is not conducive to a "thumbs high" grip. So, does anyone sell slimmer grips for the 229?
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    Now this is just cool.

    The Russians are going to build skyscraper in the form of an AK-47.
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    I did somthing I shouldn't have.

    I went and shot one of these, I was at the range (Scottsdale gun club - more on that later) and the guy next to me had rented one of these. Being new to shooting he wasn't familiar with it's operation so I showed him how everything works. He then asked if I'd like to take a few shots so I...
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    QA vs. "Safe Action"

    From what I know it seems to me that both of these system operate the same way. A firing pin is "half cocked" upon racking the slide and pulling the trigger fully cocks and then releases the firing pin. So given that the two systems seem very similar I don't see why the QA trigger would need...
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    No +P???

    So I just picked up a new Walther P99 in 9mm (I'll make a post on that as soon as I hit the range with it) and I noticed in the manual that it specifically advised against using +P ammo. This isn't really a big problem for me because I bought a 9mm because I wanted something cheaper to shoot...
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    Walther p99 hard to find?

    I was calling around and two local gun shops both told me that they are having a hard time getting any Walther p99's. What's up with this? The only place I've found that has them is Sportsman's warehouse and they have then for $570. So my real questions are. 1) Is $570 a good price for a...
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    Range report: S&W 99 vs. S&W m&p

    Today I went to the range with my sig 229 .40, and since I had a free rental I asked to rent a M&P in 9mm because I've been wanting to try one out for a while. Well by accident the guy at the counter handed me a S&W 99. I didn't notice until I started shooting (because it was cased when he...
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    What are the factory spring rates for the 229?

    What are the factory spring rates for the recoil spring and main spring on the Sig-229 in .40 S&W? BTW it's the newer style (shorter) mainspring. Also what is a good brand of spring to go with and where should I order from.
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    Tell me about the Para LDA's trigger?

    Last Saturday I was shown a 1911 style Para that had the lightest double action trigger I've ever felt, I don't understand how it's possible. On a DA gun the trigger pull has to cock the trigger so it seems that there should be a limit to how light the trigger pull can be without the pull being...
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    What do you think of this quote?

    I was listening to a radio show on KTAR (for those of you in the AZ) and the show host said something that I wasn't expecting. Ok so he's talking to a representative from Taser international about the new line of tasers coming out and asks about weather buyers would need training with one. He...
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    Does anyone make high cap sig mags?

    Factory mags for the 229 hold 12 for .40/.357 and 13 for 9mm. Is there anyone who makes an extended mag that holds a few more?
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    What exactly is follow through?

    I just read a post where a guy said he needs to do a better job of "following through" when shooting but have to admit I don't actually know what is meant by this. Given that there is very little movement involved in pulling a trigger what are you following through with?
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    What's an M1 Garand go for?

    I was watching that "shootout" show on the history channel and one episode was about a troop of 18 US soldiers who killed 500 German soldiers over the course of one day during the battle of the bulge. Watching that (and others) awe inspiring tale has got me interested in the M1 Garand. So tell...
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    What was this guy up to?

    Last time I was at the range there was a guy next to me shooting some pretty tight groups with an AR15. The thing that caught my eye, is that after each group (looked like 5 shots) he would lay the rifle down and just sit for a while. Was he letting the barrel cool, resting his eyes, what?