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    New! Lee Load Master Website. Other Lee Products too! New Forum for Lee Products!

    Announcement: There is a new website devoted to the Lee Load Master progressive loading press and other Lee products. You will find many useful videos for setup and operation and trouble shooting of the Load Master. The website is sponsored by Darwin-T who has...
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    A Must Read! High Murder Rates Correlate to Gun Bans

    As many of us have argued for years, having guns around prevents crime, especially violent crime. Now a Harvard team proves it from the data-- Let's see if we can keep the media from "burying" this.
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    Improving the Priming System of the Lee Load Master--Great Videos

    In the past year I have seen several complaints about the priming system on Lee Loadmaster Reloading presses on this forum and in others. I am posting the following links to some most excellent videos made by a fellow who goes by shadowdog500 on You Tube. He also inhabits several forums as a...
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    Lee Classic Turret Press--Index ratchet gear, Turret Indexing and Proper turret alig

    There seems to be real confusion about turret alignment and the role the square, nylon ratchet plays in rotation of the index rod on The Lee Classic Turret Press. An experienced reloading friend who has one of these presses, as I and many others do, put together a brief writeup to clear up why...
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    Server Crash??

    Where have The High Road and 1911Forum gone? I haven't been able to load them for two days. Server crash?? Can anybody access them? I've checked with two other guys who can't get them either.
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    Complete List of Links for Lee Load Master Videos

    I will post later--file upload did not work. Sorry!
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    Operation of Lee Safety Prime Video

    Operation of Lee Safety Prime Video There have been quite a few questions recently on the smooth operation of the Lee Safety Prime system. This video was made to demonstrate it's proper operation. Quality is not great since I used a digital still camera, not a camcorder, but the principles are...