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  1. T

    Interesting short essay

    I stumbled upon this while looking for something else. It makes for interesting reading: "Social Engineering and the Theory of Non-Violence Dave Tomlinson For the last few years, many of the world's governments -- including Canada - -- have been using their citizens as laboratory rats in a...
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    Flagellating the deceased equine?

    "Guns and criminals: More gun laws = more thugs with guns FOR THE umpteenth time, a national study has found that gun control laws don’t work. The verification of this fact is getting to be one of life’s predictable occurrences, like the migration of monarch butterflies or the late-season...
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    Thank you all!

    Yesterday, as I was rummaging through my gun locker, this thought hit me. How much have I grown as a gun owner and a citizen in the last 22 months! When I first joined TFL, I was the archetypal Ducks Unlimited-type of gun owner. “The hell with those freaks toting Assault Weapons! They have...
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    Talibans do not need spies...

    They just watch tv..... Here's another pearl from your neighbor... :rolleyes: rest of story
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    Oops! Antis are gonna love it!

    From today's Montreal gazette: (italics are mine) "Gun lobbyist shoots neighbor's ceiling CALGARY- The head of Canada's pro-gun lobby was apologetic and co-operative with police after a jammed gun he was working on discharged, firing a bullet into a neighbour's apartment, court heard...
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    Mauser question

    If I would have a rifle built out of a mauser (we're talking perhaps in a year or so), and I would have access to a 24/47, a 48 or a 98 action, which one should I choose? Is there any of them preferable to another, and why? I'm still dreaming of a 35 Whelan... Just extremely curious...
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    My advice for wannabe stock refinishers

    For some time now, I have been working on my 30-06's stock. It has been a learning process all the way, and I'm not even done with it yet. I really would like to share a bit of what I learned through this, if it could help someone out there... I started with a mauser-action...
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    PETA, go figure...

    Still can't figure this one out: "PEOPLE UNCLEAR ON THE CONCEPT: Perhaps the lack of animal protein is shrinking the brain of those People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. How else to explain their strange new partnership with Benihana, the Japanese-restaurant chain. On the other hand...
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    Who looks down on who?

    I have a sin to confess... Besides hunting and shooting, fish...and...I even (smirk)...tie my own flies.... (Phew, I feel much better now!) Anyway, there was that fly-fishing BB I quit posting and reading, sick and tired of the "holier than thou" attitude fly anglers tend to have...
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    Barf alert: ad on CDN TV!

    I just couldn't believe my eyes, still wonder if I had not dreamed the whole thing!!! So there's how it goes: Guy on screen dressed as a doctor of some sort addresses the camera saying (in substance)"If you know people around you you suspect of suffering from depression and you know they...
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    Browsing around, there is something I noticed in the "links" section; a lot of those are dead-ended, and it becomes slightly irritating to get the bounce-around from 404's and "can't be displayed". May I suggest an eventual clean-up and update of this section? BTW, I am perfectly well aware of...
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    Got my Enfield!

    A while ago, a friend of mine bought a second-hand Rem 700 in 270 to replace his "crummy" (his word, NOT MINE!) Lee-Enfield. So, upon hearing I was looking for one of them for a project-truck-not-a-scout-ugly gun, he offered me his... for CDN50$, along with two boxes of ammo and a thrift-shop...
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    Bit of wisdom from old times

    Just food for thought I stumbled upon today. "...To be remarkably successful in killing game a man must be a good shot; but a good target shot may be a very poor hunter, and a fairly successful hunter may be only a moderate shot. Shooting well with the rifle is the highest kind of skill, for the...
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    Spanish Mauser Carbine??

    I have a bud that is showing me his newest acquisition he got from his granpa: a spanish (Oviedo made) mauser. Can anyone help on the history/ value (if any of this beauty?) -Mauser action, 7x57mm -chrome-plated turned-down bolt handle (probably not original, discrepancy in s/n) -flip-up...
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    45/70 questions

    Need help from the knowledgeable bunch! In order to reach it's full potential, I figure a modern 45/70 has to be loaded in +P specs. Garrett's loads are out of the question (have you ever tried to import live ammo? To Kanada?), and I just don't reload yet, so what kind of performance is to be...
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    Need 10/22 info

    Good day everybody! I own a 2 year old stock 10/22 RSI (yes, the one not too accurate with the Mannlicher stock, I bought it for my wife, she tought it was pretty... :)) that functions flawlessly in warm weather, but seems to misfire or tailpipe empties once in a while in very cold weather (-20...
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    Need info on IGA Uplander choke tubes

    Good morning everybody! I just received today my brand spanking new Uplander SxS, and I'm thrilled! :) I got it through mail-order from a store run by know-nothings with unbeatable prices, so no one out there seems to be able to answer my questions... How do I tell my choke tubes...
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    Barrel twist for 260 Rem

    Hi! I'm currently shopping for a short & lightweight left-handed bolt action in 260 rem or 7mm08... The only option I seem to have is a Savage 11 SA... :( I know they're fairly good, but shopping without options is a drag! Anyway, the problem that tickles me has something to do with...