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  1. J

    Best signs by protesters - PART2 2

    The pic of the dog taking a whizz on the gore/lieberman yard sign is at the home page. :D Another funny protest sign: "It's all over Al! Please seek help! Does anyone have a pic of that Cheaties box? [Edited by...
  2. J

    Mossberg 590 Plastic Trigger Housing crapped out on me, where to get a metal one?

    You 590 guys with the Speedfeed III and IV will appreciate this one. Since the pistol grip of my Speedfeed IV interferes with easy removal of the trigger housing, I somehow manhandled the trigger housing so that the "tabs" that keep the front of the housing in the receiver got smashed and...
  3. J

    If I hear Donna Dees-Thomases-Schumer-Feinstien-Boxer-Clinton use the phrase.....

    COMMON SENSE one more time, I'm gonna barf all over my TV or computer! "common sense" says that "instant" is 3 days! "common sense" says that crack dealers will put a trigger lock on a stolen gun. "common sense" says that criminals will obey the laws. "common sense" says that an inanimate...
  4. J

    Spied: New Nazi Supergun! The BFPG9000

    I found this pic while surfing on . GIANT POTATO GUN! Fun for the whole neighborhood. :)
  5. J

    Chi Trib Commentary - The Gun Issue May Backfire for Gore

    THE GUN ISSUE MAY BACKFIRE FOR GORE by Steve Chapman April 27, 2000 To hear Al Gore tell it, George W. Bush is better qualified to be head of the Dalton gang than president of the United States. Democrats think the governor is vulnerable on the issue of guns, mainly because he supported a law...
  6. J

    WH Spin Doctors going full tilt boogie: White House Blames Miami Relatives

    Monday April 24 12:36 PM ET White House Blames Miami Relatives By WILL LESTER, Associated Press Writer - WASHINGTON (AP) - The White House today blamed Elian Gonzalez's Miami relatives for forcing the government into the armed seizure of the boy, asserting that ``none of this had to happen''...
  7. J

    Lake County Gun Show - Grayslake, IL

    Hi All, Just wondering if anybody else was planning to go to the Lake County Gun Show in Grayslake, IL on April 16. It would probably be a great chance to meet other members. For those of you that have never attended, this show is (IMHO) the biggest regular show in the Chicagoland area...
  8. J

    Million Moms to march in Chicago too!

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>MOMS TO MARCH ON WASHINGTON--AND CHICAGO Melanie Weiss. Compiled by Cassandra West. April 5, 2000 Moms who believe politicians just aren't listening to their concerns about stricter gun laws will be lacing up their sneakers...
  9. J

    Chicago Area TFL Shoot - Need ideas on when/where

    There was a significant interest in a TFL get-together/shoot for those of us in the Chicago metro area (and beyond). I would like to get some ideas on where we could hold this gathering and what date(s?) would be good. Where? Many people(me included) agree that IL is not the ideal location for...
  10. J

    MSNBC Poll - NRA attacks on Clinton-Gore

    Question of the Day The NRA says Clinton and Gore are playing politics with guns. The administration says the gun-rights group is without shame. Smear campaign or Fair game?
  11. J

    NRA Live Poll - Infiltrated by antis? Let's swing it back our way!

    Looks like the antis have gotten a hold of this poll. It's about a dead heat right now. Do we need more gun control laws to protect us from gun violence? Y/N
  12. J

    Update - Curtiss for Congress - Armalite AR-50 Raffle

    I know this has been posted before, but it's not everyday that you can win a .50BMG rifle. I finally received my raffle tickets in the mail today. The drawing is March 21st, so there is still time to purchase tickets.
  13. J

    Has anybody else experienced "The Matrix Effect"?

    I was originally going to post this in the Rifle forum, but I figured it might be more interesting to the general TFL population. This past Sunday, my buddy and I went shooting at his grandparents farm in Indiana. The weather was a beautiful sunny and 70° day. We were using our Reminton 700s...
  14. J

    #9 shot makes a good pair of scissors!

    Before After I probably took one too many shots. This is all I was able to pick up. :D (can't seem to get the image UBB code to...
  15. J

    Can anyone from England confirm this? T.V. Tax????

    I heard from a friend that people in Jolly o'l England that they have to pay a TAX on TV sets. If they don't pay the tax, their TV gets confiscated. :eek: This sounds suspiciously similar to gun control. Oh, you can still own a TV, you just have to pay a tax on it! You can have my TV when...
  16. J

    Colt Double Eagle in .45 ACP - Experiences? Comments?

    After reading the thread [Link to invalid post], it is apparant that the 10mm DE is a POS. A co-worker friend recently bought one NIB in .45 ACP. He said he has talked with other owners and they say they don't have any problems. Is this pistol as bad as some people say? Does anybody have a...
  17. J

    MD rezidents - Majority favor handgun ban?

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Md. voters favor ban on selling handguns `Surprising finding' comes in survey of legislative priorities -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By William F. Zorzi Jr. Sun Staff More than...
  18. J

    We're back!

    Wow, that was just too long of a wait. Now to get my fix. :D ------------------ "Ray guns don't vaporize Zorbonians, Zorbonians vaporize Zorbonians" The Far Side
  19. J

    Rainbow Six: The MOVIE?

    I'm pretty sure there are a lot of TFL members out there who are fans of the Tom Clancy book Rainbow Six and the Red Storm Entertainment game of the same name. About 6 months ago, I heard a rumor that there was going to be a movie made based on the book. Has anybody else heard of this rumor...
  20. J

    HELP! .308 reloads won't chamber

    Just finished loading up my first batch of about 40 test loads. I am using a Hornady lock-n-load Auto-Progressive (single stage style). <UL TYPE=SQUARE> Winchester Brass Remington #9-1/2 Large Rifle Primers Sierra 168gn HPBT Match King Winchester 748 </UL> Bullet is seated so that OAL of...