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  1. N

    color case hardening

    Just curious about color case hardening. Is this just a desired cosmetic result, or does something really get hardened? Aside from a beautiful appearance, is there a practical reason to do it? Is today's color case hardening different than that of 150 years ago? Numbers
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    Gun smith in San Antonio?

    I posted this in the smithy forum, but didn't get any responses, so I'm trying here. Can anyone recommend a gun smith in San Antonio, TX? I need some minor work on an HighPower. Joe
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    looking for gunsmith in San Antonio, TX

    I'm looking for a gunsmith here in San Antonio, TX, to do a small amount of work on a HighPower. Can anybody make a recommendation? Joe
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    New HiPower, but was dealer fair?

    I bought my third (yeah, I like 'em) HiPower today. A 9mm HiPower Standard with adjustable sights. Didn't really want adjustable sights, but that's all he had. (This will probably be my wife's pistol; her first pistol purchase was a HiPower, but for reasons unknown, it migrated to me, and I fell...
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    Felony...are some different than others?

    According to the BATF, isn't one prohibited from purchasing a firearm if one has ever been convicted of a felony? What if it was a minor ,i.e., not so bad, felony? What if the conviction has been expunged? Isn't a felony (no matter where committed) a felony? Or are some felonies treated...
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    Handgun stolen a few years back...

    A few years ago (abt 1995) my car was stolen from the parking lot where I was working. In the glove box I had a NAA .22 magnum revolver (1.125 inch barrel). When my car was recovered (but not the weapon), the perps had used the revolver to put five holes in my windshield. I did not tell the...
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    Questions about certain Fiocchi ammo

    Some time ago I got a good price ($7.20 per box of 50) on some Fiocchi 9mm FMJ cartridges. The bullet weight is a little "unusual"; it is 123gr. The bullet shape is truncated cone and the box describes the ammo as "combat." The stuff shoots great and feeds absolutely flawlessly. Also, this ammo...
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    Possession vs. Ownership by a felon; how fine is the line?

    Kinda curious about this. I know that laws might vary from state to state so answers may differ, but if someone was convicted of a felony, served his time and successfully completed parole, it is my understanding that he is not allowed to own a firearm. I also assume that he is not allowed to be...
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    US Supreme Court decision; where to find it?

    I'm looking for the text (or at least a good syllabus) or case number of a Supreme Court decision that many say tells us that the police have no duty to protect us. A url to it will be appreciated. Joe
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    Uncercover NYC cop shoots unarmed man

    I'm beginning to wonder if NYC cops should be issued handguns. Joe NEW YORK (AP) - Police were trying to determine whether an undercover officer's weapon was fired accidentally in a struggle that left an unarmed man dead. Thursday's police shooting - the second fatal one this year - happened...
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    Gallup poll: more anti registration opinions

    We someone's hammering on your head with anti gun views, its nice to be able to cite a recent Gallup poll that supports you, isn't it? Go to this gallup poll of mid-January and scroll down to the results to the question "Would you favor or oppose the registration of all handguns?"...
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    In another thread someone told of his pet peeve: A person calling a magazine a clip. I guess I've gotten less tolerant with the passage of time and I think I visibly flinch when I see magazines referred to as clips. I think we all misuse terms related to firearms. Some examples that come to...
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    Chambering a round--proper/improper way?

    Recently I had an action job done on my HiPower and when I picked it up, I locked back the slide and was about to release it (the magazine was empty) when the gunsmith told me to not let the slide slam on an empty magazine, but to slow the slide's closing by "riding" it with my free hand. I...
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    Where to find presentation cases?

    I'm looking for presentation cases for handguns. I've seen many "generic" cases, i.e., you trim out the foam to fit the particular item. I'm looking for presentation cases that are already cut to fit a specific handgun. I imagine this to be an expensive item, but I would like to see just how...