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  1. S

    Reblueing my Smith

    Had my Model 10 Reblued at Fords, they did a pretty good job i think. Before After
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    Taking the Plunge

    Well, after years of avoiding them and skirting around what I've always felt was an obvious good gun and caliber....I dropped 489 dollars today on this, my first Austrico Platistico and my first 9mm.
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    Well, it's new to me

    because one 44 Magnum is never enough, i picked up this Super Blackhawk today to have playdates with my Model 29. Its a converted 3 screw from 1967, all i cared about was the half cock anyway. Sun was down when i got home, so i had to use the damndable flash, hopefully ill get some nice...
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    .45-70 Derringer

    I recently saw a derringer chambered in .45-70 (American Derringer i believe) and the massochistic part of me that wants to shoot immensely powerful handguns started to bubble. I've never been afraid to shoot any handcannon, from scandium framed Smith with full house 300 grain .44 Magnums to a...
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    Three Screw Super Blackhawk

    Picking up a Ruger Super Blackhawk Old Model in a few weeks (gotta pay the bills first) the manufacture date is 1967. I know Ruger offered free safety conversions on all the 3 screw models and old Bearcats, i think this gun may have had this done. I was wondering how you could tell by looking...
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    Muzzle flash thread

    my buddy and i were talking about getting some good "action shots" the other day while shooting, it was hard getting the camera to take the picture exactly when i wanted, so we took video instead and made stills from it. These are two of the better "flash" shots. Before you ask, the one was...
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    4 bore

    weird question, a buddy of mine collects different types of ammo and has them on display at his house, he has over a hundred different kinds, and the other day we were talking about the biggest round he has. It was one of the nitro express rounds...but he said he wanted to get a 4 bore round...
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    Speer Gold Dot Problem

    the other day i got home and emptied the chamber on my HK USP compact in .40 S&W. I then unloaded the magazines and gave them all a good cleaning. When i went to reload the mags i noticed one of the rounds was missing the rim. I looked around my room and couldnt find the piece of metal...
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    Kimber Solved

    Just thought id share this story. Fun trip to the range today, fun in that i figured out what was wrong with my Kimber, absolutely nothing. The past couple months, every time i took my kimber to the range it would act up, specifically, the slide would lock open after each shot. So off to the...
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    Colt 38 Super

    I am very interested in purchasing a Colt Series 80 1911 in 38 Super Auto. I have been doing some research on 38 super and came across some articles saying that 38 super had a tendency to be inaccurate with stock bbls. The articles stated that the round would headspace on the semi-rim, not on...
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    Long range handgunnery

    Went to the outdoor rifle range to shoot the other day, and after blasting off some rounds (the most fun being the 1895 Winchester in .405 and the Remington 760), we decided to shoot pistols at long range. I guess it was Smith day since I had my 6.5" Model 29 loaded with 240grain SJHPs and my...
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    Oh so frightening

    scariest thing ive seen in a long time, and i grew up in DC i want everyone list one thing that is completely wrong with what happened in this video, believe me there are about 20+
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    gun safe

    i've been looking for a bigger gun safe, but the problem is most larger safes are made for rifles with only a few slots for handguns. I have no rifles and one shotgun, but have 10 handguns and plan on getting a few more. I was wondering if there is a safe out there that fits my needs that i...
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    new glovebox shooter

    Okay, okay, I know it's a Rossi, but I just picked it up today for glovebox duty, so I could retire my USPc from the daily grind. Besides I like shorty wheelguns. Can't wait to run a couple hundred rounds through it. Rossi R461
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    Rossi .357

    I was looking for a new glovebox gun and settled on a smaller framed .357. I wanted something with more than 5rds so the J frames were out and after some looking, I had settled on the Taurus 617. Then....just as i am about to order the 617 i see this Rossi 461 under the glass. Fit my hand...
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    shoulder holster bigguy

    Okay, so i got my Smith Model 29, and at first I said it would be a range gun only, but now i want to carry it. Its a 6.5" version, so im thinking shoulder rig, the problem is, I am over 6 feet tall so height and area under my arm should not be an issue. But i do have a 50 inch chest and all...
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    1911 Grip Problem

    I took the grips off my Kimber Eclipse Pro II for the first time yesterday and there seems to be a problem, i am assuming there are supposed to be 4 thredded studs coming out of the frame that the grip screws go into, but on one side the stud came out of the frame and the grip screw and stud are...
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    What Size .44 Magnum Ammo

    Just picked up a Smith M29 the other day and plan on running some rounds through it this weekend. It seems the most common size .44 Mag ammo is either 240g or 180g, so i got a box of each. I would like some feedback on these specific cartridges, are they simmilar, is one better, is one safer...
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    New Smith Pics

    This morning I picked up the 29-10 i posted about the other day. I promised a pic so here ya go. Okay the weather sucked today, so no great natural light shots, this was taken in my basement.
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    Smith and Wesson 29

    So after 3 years of looking in vain trying desperatly to find that elusize Model 29-2 blued with a six and half inch barrel in cherry condition for less than the cost of my kidney/first born son (deep breath), I decided to go new. I am picking up my brand new Model 29-10 tomorrow, i know, i...