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  1. M

    Savage Arms Website

    While TFL was down I attempted to go to the Savage Arms website... which I had bookmarked. Now it does not appear to be there. Anyone know whats up with Savage?
  2. M

    Armalite AR 30

    It is in the latest edition of American Riflemen.......piqued my interest. Anyone know anything about this .338 Lapua.
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    178gr. SWC .45acp ???

    Came across a box of these when I was cleaning up my reloading area. Can't find any reloading data on this bullet weight. Can anyone help? Don't think I have ever shot any of these. My pet round is a 200 SWC from my old IPSC days. Thanks
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    Raising Point of Impact?

    Using my Sporting Clays gun to shoot Trap. Since it is a flat shooting gun...could I raise the POI by building up the comb of my stock...with either some tape or some of those pads that are advertised in the shooting magazines? Would that in fact RAISE the POI? Thanks.....
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    Bonus March

    My son is reading Unintended Consequences...he asked me about the Bonus March...and if it really happened...I told him that it did take place.He was shocked...I went to to reccomend a book on this subject,but there is nothing currently in print. Does anyone know if there is any book...
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    Lee Turret Press .357 Mag

    Decided to reload some .38 Specials.No problem...been reloading off and on, for years.I decided to reload for .357 Mag. Using the .38 dies...I swear I did that back in the 80's when I got my first .357Mag. Problem is...I can't remember how I adjusted the dies. I think I just backed them out of...
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    BSA Bolt Action?

    It was early to mid 1980's...Colo. Spgs....handled a BSA bolt action....the caliber?....I don't remember...larger than a .22 rimfire. Had the slickest action I had ever seen for a bolt gun. Never bought it. Been looking ever since....but I am under the impression that BSA only made .22 rimfire...
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    .260 or .270 ?

    Rifle will be used for target...general plinking....maybe a game getter...any thoughts? Probably will reload for it eventually.
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    What do you clean your shotgun with?

    Any recommendations?
  10. M

    Bullet resistant windows?

    Anyone know where....or even can buy bullet resistant windows for an average suburban home? Also thinking of beefing up the front door....sometimes ...things can go bump in the night!... Kevlar drapes for Mothers Day? :)
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    NRA position on Hi-Caps?

    Anyone know what their position is on Hi-Cap mags? Or will they get be used as a bargaining chip in return for the so called Gun Show Loopholes?
  12. M

    PA shooting ????

    Heard on Fox this afternoon about the shootings in PA.Police spokesman said that LEO's confronted perp....that perp fired on LEO's...that LEO's DID NOT return fire.Perp fled to bldg.took some hostages.....eventually LEO's talk perp into surrendering.I am wondering if Diallo case had something to...
  13. M

    Blaser R93

    Was checking out the firearms photos and came across the R93. Very little of the barrel seems to be supported by the stock. As I understand, this is supposed to be a very accurate rifle. With this set up, would there be some kind of barrel whip...upon firing? Or is it just that the photo itself...
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    What year was it made????

    S&W 629 there any way I can find out the year of the serial number?
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    S&W 629 classic...How much?

    Dude wants to part with this .44 magnum...wants $300.....good price? Ain't seen it yet. Supposed to be in mint condition.Think its either 4 or 5" bbl.
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    Clinton goes after ROGUE dealers

    Check this out....http://WWW.CNN.COM/2000/US/02/04/clinton.guns/story.clinton.guns.jpg
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    Clinton goes after ROGUE dealers

    Check this out....http://WWW.CNN.COM/2000/US/02/04/clinton.guns/story.clinton.guns.jpg
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    Are we too paranoid ??

    I have a friend who thinks there's a chance that we may be authors of our own demise. That all this talk about the Gov't coming to take our guns makes us look like a bunch of sociopaths, when he hears gun owners say that we may have to fight (literally).He thinks all this talk fuels much of the...
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    Short action

    I've heard the term "short action" used when discussing rifles. What exactly does it mean?
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    Probable cause...(hypothetical)

    Suppose I get pulled over for a traffic violation..(speeding..6mph over posted limit)LEO is courteous and professional.I reply in kind.LEO gives verbal warning in lieu of ticket.LEO asks if there are any illegal guns or drugs in vehicle.I reply.. there are not. LEO asks if he can search...