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  1. P

    US Supreme Court upholds CA gun ban

    Apparently the CA Attorney General has carte blanche to ban any firearms he wants. :mad:
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    listening to NPR

    I was listening to NPR this morning while getting ready for work (I usually flip between it and the local AM station since the rest of the "morning shows" are pretty inane) and they had some guy named ? Rosenthal (?) talking about Adams, Jefferson, and the meaning of the Second Amendment. Much...
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    Bill of No Rights

    I received this by email and cannot vouch for its authenticity. The following was written by State Representative Mitchell Kaye from Cobb County, GA. We, the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid any more...
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    another gun license poll about 1/5th the way down the page. An active vote asking if all gun owners should be licensed.
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    the McLaughlin Group poll and article Go! After voting click "issue #1" then click "view other topics of the week" and get treated to a short pro ccw article.
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    hey Oleg

    I can see where my "backyard report" post maybe does belong in lok'n load, but I have seen a lot of range reports in handguns, including one from yesterday (Steyr). I did a quick search for the words "range report" in handguns and got 51 hits, most recent, none of them apparently locked or...
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    backyard report: 1991a1, mk9, p97. single six

    Caveats: I'm a newbie hangunner. In the last few months I've put about 900 rounds through various handguns. I am not an great shot. 8 inch groups (6-8 shots per group), off hand, one and two handed, at 40 feet are the current norm. 1991a1: 200 rounds mostly 230 gr fmj, approx. 20 230gr...
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    I'm stunned. Good gun editorial... the very left wing Kansas City Red Star.,opinion/37746e82.501,.html I used to live in KC and thought the KC Star, although liberal leaning, to be a pretty decent paper. Especially compared to the St. Louis Post Dispatch. Then a couple of...
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    Tennessee bill defeated If I didn't get the automatic link thing right, the url is correct and worth reading.
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    SA vs. DA (revolvers)

    What are the advantages of an SA revolver vs. a DA revolver? For example why would someone buy a Blackhawk rather than a Redhawk, assuming both felt good in their hand and they are not going to shoot cowboy? Since a DA revlovler can fire SA by cocking it the same as a SA only revolver it would...
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    newbie first impressions (long)

    In college I used to shoot a lot of trap and plink with a .22. For the last 15 years I've shot very little. For several years I've thought about buying a handgun for target shooting, but never got around to it (ya know tha argument: I don't really need it, I won't shoot it much, yada, yada...