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  1. K

    what is it????

    My father in law just got this from his father when he passed away a couple weeks ago. He wanted me to figure out anything about this gun I have never heard of it. It is an old 16G. Single shot. My father in law wants me to see If I can find anyhting online or at a gunsmith to fix it up. I...
  2. K

    just tried something new!!

    I have been using the power belts for a while now and have not been too happy with the results. I recently tried the hornady XTp in 300gr in front of the shockey gold. I found that they are pretty accurate in my omega (less than 2" @50). I was pretty happy with them at least. Anyone have...
  3. K

    I want a pistol!!

    I want a pistol sometime in the next few months I already got the permit to buy. I am trying to decide which one to get. I would like to keep it under $500 I have been eyeing up the springfield XD and the Ruger SR9. They both feel good. The sr9 is recalled right now ( I was told). I played...
  4. K

    difference in info?

    I have a dilema here!! I have been reading a few different sources that say different max loads for a .357 mag with H110 and 158gr bullet. I have a book that says 17.0, a internet source (steve's reloading pages) that says 17.7, and another book that says 16.7. Which is correct I started the...
  5. K

    first time with 10X

    I had already tried h335 with the varmint grenades and got a .5" group. I tried to douplicate it and could not I dont know if I was doing something wrong or what......anyway I am trying rl 10X now. Can someone correct me if I am wrong but I was told that a person can use your 40gr data for...
  6. K

    rem. 7400

    A friend has a rem. 7400. He says its a single shot semi auto. He put it in the corner after it malfunctioned in the woods. It won't throw the case completely will get jammed in the action. It also misfires. Has anyone had any luck turning these things around?? I have read a...
  7. K

    20/20.. thought people should see

    I found this on another forum I thought it was interesting and that people should see it. Sorry if it has already been posted.. kyle
  8. K

    alliant 10X ????

    anyone know where a person can find any data on this powder for a 204 or a 223??? thanks kyle
  9. K

    ultramax brass

    I have some ultramaxx brass that I had saved from before I started reloading. is this brass worth saving and reloading?? It is remanufactured ammo so I am not sure how many time it has been loaded. I went through it and sorted out what I didn't like. what do you guys think??? thanks kyle
  10. K

    got myself a little problem!!

    I know I should have checked first but, I didn't so here it is: I put together a load of barnes varmint grenades and seated them at 2.255" in my win stealth and came to realize that they are too long. It needs to be more around the 2.200" length. can I just push these bullets down or do I...
  11. K

    powder scale inaccuracies

    I have a lee bar scale. I throw the powder, trickle up til it comes level. then I lift the pan off and then set it back on and it weighs too much. Most times when I lift the pan off then set it back on it shows a different weight. is there something wrong with mine or is this the lee scale???
  12. K

    to mag prime or not????

    I have the lee book which I was going to go by for my 270wsm (130gr solid base boat tail). with h414 powder it says 57.0-61.0gr with a standard primer. In the hodgen powder book it says 130gr soft point 61.0gr max with a mag primer. In the lyman manual I have it says 60.0 gr max with a mag...
  13. K

    Shot my 1st reloads on saturday!!!

    I went out with my dad this weekend and shot my first reloads. I am happy to report we both are still in one piece!! Man was it cold. We found a spot out of the wind. I was determined to shoot. Everything went ok I shot two sets the first one wasn't very accurate like a 2" group at 100...
  14. K

    ready to shoot my 1st loads!

    Ok I got two loads worked up a h-vmax starting with 25.4gr of h335 working up in .3gr increments and a 52gr hpbt match starting at 24.5gr of h335 working up in .2gr increments. both with wsr primers. I am going to go and shoot them this weekend any suggestions or precautions I should take...
  15. K

    duburring question

    The lee deburring tool will not deburr the outside of the case neck on my 270wsm. I did deburr the inside but the shoulder gets in the way when trying to deburr the outside. Is it a must to deburr the outside? thanks kyle
  16. K

    barnes grenades

    has anyone used these new barnes 36gr grenades?? I was thinking about ordering some they sound like they are a fun little bullet! They have a tin-composite core instead of a lead core. I guess they just explode whit it hits stuff! let me know if anyone has any experience with them! kyle
  17. K

    inertia bullet puller???

    when using that inertia bullet puller. can a person reuse everything?? Does the case need to be resized?? I neck size only. how about the primer if it needs to be resized it will be live! thanks kyle
  18. K

    powder for 270wsm

    I am in the done working up my load for 223 and now its time for the 270wsm and I was wondering what powders anyone reccomends??!! I am loading a 130gr solid base boat tail, with win lrm primers. for a tikka t3 if that matters I am trying to decide between a few imr4350, h4350, rl-19, and...
  19. K

    My first rounds..

    Finally loaded my first rounds. I loaded 20 rounds today for my 223. I loaded 10 rounds with 24.3gr of h335 with a 40gr h-vmax wsr primers. and 10 more the same thing but 25.1gr of h335. I seated the bullet to 2.230" Everything went pretty smooth I weighed each time to make sure I was...
  20. K

    lee bullet seating probs!!?!?!?

    ok everyone I finally got my bench all coated with poly and stuff and had just mounted my lee chalenger press. I resized a few 223 rounds just playing around. I got the few cases sized and tried seating a bullet. My problem is I did everything the web site said. And I cannot get the...